Chapter 40: Saved by a Monster

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Things had spiralled out of control rapidly on our departure.

First, Mikasa used all of her gas. No consideration for the danger she summoned on her comrades and herself.

Then, Armin and I went after her, followed by Connie. That left Jean in charge of the group that remained.

I'd have to compliment him if he made it out alive. It's not easy to lead, especially when you don't have the experience.

If he lost comrades, which was a given, I'd have to show him some support. He may have a ballsy attitude, but if he was damaged from the weight, his decisions could be clouded.

I found Mikasa before Armin did, and focused on the fourteen-meter swiping at her.

Good news, she was fighting back. Bad news, she looked like she was dead inside.

How relatable.

I drew my blades and shot my hooks into it's shoulders.

Unfortunately, when I went to strike -- even with my skill-- My vision blurred, causing me to miss and slice it's shoulder.

Fuck, I missed. I'm going to die here. My gas is low and I missed the damn nape! I berated myself in frustration and struggled to even myself out as I shot to the pavement.

My feet faltered and I stumbled towards Mikasa just as she backed up. Another titan, standing at fifteen meters tall, stepped over a broken building and blocked us in.

I took a few steps before her and eyed it warily. I could easily flee, but I wouldn't leave her to do this alone.

Past me would have said 'your emotions got you here, fix it yourself ', but present me cares far more. So, I looked at her and gave her a comforting smile.

Inside my emotions were anything but calm and collected. Fear pumped through my veins and turned me into a frozen ant against the two titans.

I also felt insignificant and unskilled. After all, I did miss that hit, and if I wasn't low on gas I'd try again.

Yes, the Supply Squad was inactive. There was no backup, but that was no excuse to use my gas unsparingly.

Mikasa flipped back around to face the other titan and I heard her take in a shuddering breath.

Something was happening in her mind. If it was good or bad, I had no clue. Here's to hoping it's good. I glanced over my shoulder.

Behind me she drew her remaining blade that was worn to the nub and crouched in a fighting position.

I did the same as she began to let out a battle cry.

One second, her scream was in my ears. The next, the ground right in front of me warped around the muscular abnormal's foot.

There was a loud skin on skin connection behind me, but the force of whatever just happened launched me and Mikasa into the air. Then, it threw us down the alley.

While Mikasa braced herself, I was too disoriented and unorganized to follow suit. This resulted in cuts and scrapes from the rough pavement below.

You need to get ahold of yourself. This is pathetic. Your form is sloppy, and you can't even think straight! Do better! You're failing all over again! My mind screamed at me and I pushed myself to my knees. It was like being in the situation... Six years ago? So much time...

What my eyes saw then, sent a lightning bolt of shock down through my body.

The Abnormal was standing there in a defensive and firm position.

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