Chapter 37: Into the Fray

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Warning: Graphic Descriptions of death (mild/heavy).

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"Liv... What... What is that?!" My sister began to panic and my mother's breath became unsteady. I jumped to my feet and reached for my family.

"Head towards the inner gate! Now! I love you both!" I pulled them to their feet, and shoved them in the right direction.

This wasn't coincidental. First Shiganshina, now here. This was deliberate.

"Wait, Olivia what about you?!" My mother yells in a panic.

"I have to get some gear!" I yelled back and pointed towards our HQ building in the distance.

Suddenly, the wind shifts aggressively in our direction. A deafening collision with the wall filled the whole district.

"Move!!" I screamed, looking back at my two beloved family members. They were frozen in place. Boulders and large rocks were ripping buildings apart.

Before I could even take a step in their direction, the aftershock of the gate shattering threw me down to the stone ground.

When I looked up again, it was when my mother let out a loud, bloodcurdling, scream.

It took my mind a moment to catch up, but when it did grief and overwhelming pain stretched through me instantly.

Freya's legs were protruding from under a boulder. Blood was splattered around the surrounding area like an unforgiving reminder.

I felt my stomach sink and my heart drop. The pain made me intake shakily.

The world felt darker than before and my eyes watered ceaselessly.

"Oh God... Freya!!" I yelled, reaching out towards the boulder.

My mother continued to scream and I sobbed while walking over to her.

I need to get her out of here... Oh my God... This is really happening...

"You need to get up... Mom..." I whimpered and tried not to look at my sisters remains.

"FREYA!!!!" My mother cried out in pure anguish. I grabbed onto her, pulling her away.

"She's gone, mom. I'm sorry... Please." I felt a piece of me disappear as I forcefully dragged my mother back towards our home.

"No! Stop! Let go of me! That's my baby!" She thrashed in my arms and I felt myself start to crumble.

It's okay... It's okay... Your mother needs you... Get her out first! Cry about it later! Keep your head.

"Mom! Stop!" I held her tighter and sobbed into her back. She continued to resist and I started to shake.

"My baby! Bring her back! No!!" Her screams and pleas echoed in my mind like a cruel reminder.

She's never coming back home.

"STOP DAMN IT!!" I firmly planted my mom against a random house and hung my head as she went silent. "We... I need to get you out of here. She would want you to live. She's gone, but that doesn't mean she isn't with us." My voice shook and my heart panged in agony.

It felt like someone had their hand in my chest and was trying to rip my heart out. It hurt like fucking hell.

"My baby girl... My sweet baby girl... Olivia... She's never going to smile with us again..." Mom whimpered and slumped into me. I cried with her and slowly maneuvered us taking her home.

It wasn't far considering we only walked a yard or two. I felt sick and overwhelmed by my emotions.

"I know... I know..." I pulled myself together as much as possible and opened our door when we reached home. "Look, I need you to gather clothes and food. Then, I need you to get to the wall as fast as you can okay? Take Galileo if you must. I need to stay and help where I can." I whispered gently, trying to keep her calm.

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