Chapter 15: Late Cleaning

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The incident in this chapter likely happened in the Underground, but I want to mix things up again. Hope you don't mind.

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"It feels nothing but spite for humans. It comes out nightly under the cover of darkness and searches patiently for it's prey." Farlan spoke in a hushed whisper making me and Isabel lean in to listen.

He had just reached the good part of is horror story and we were all listening to him speak around the small table in his room. You read that right, his room.

It had been four days since I challenged myself to become Levi's friend, and so far it was going steady.

I decided to move the three of them into the empty rooms across the hall from me. For many reasons this worked.

To start, Flagon didn't want them around. Next, they were intended for squad members, but mine preferred the barracks. In addition, it made sense that they were given rooms due to advanced capabilities.

It was reasonable.

Erwin had agreed, talked to the Commander, and had me assigned to Flagon's squad to be their medic on the upcoming expedition.

Furthermore, having me on the squad was apparently something Erwin liked. I had no idea why.

Their rooms had no office included, but they were still very much a bedroom for squad members. It was decent with a table, a place for their gear, a dresser, a very small bathroom, and a bed.

"When does it come for prey?" Isabel asked shakily.

"Rumor has it, the monster comes on sickly humid nights like this one. It carries a large scythe in it's hands, which it uses to lop off human heads." Farlan hunkered down and waved his hands around for effect.

When he found that we were still captured by his story he continued with a stoic expression.

"It's body is melting with rot, and it gives of an indescribable stench. It sneaks up silently on sleeping people... And slowly raises it's scythe over the throat of it's prey and... CHOP!" His exclamation makes both me and Isabel flinch. But I was quicker to school my emotions.

Isabel shuddered nervously and looked about the room.

"Haha! I got you, didn't I?" Farlan laugh as his companion blushed and bristled angrily at his comment.

"I-I wasn't scared!" She protested, putting her hands on the table.

"You liar. Just now, your heart skipped a beat, didn't it?" Farlan poked jokingly.

"It didn't! What the hell, Farlan?! You wanna fight, you bastard?!" Isabel's anger boiled over and she stood from her chair.

I, on the other hand, smiled, laughed, and clapped. It was a wonderful tale, but titans are scarier than a monster story. Besides, I could die of natural causes at any time. Death didn't really scare me. I made my peace with it long ago.

"Tch, you're spouting shit again, Farlan." Levi scolded with a mean glare. The dusty blond raised his hands and shook his head. Isabel calmed down slightly, except for the nervous glances around the dancing ring of light from the candle.

"Olivia seems entertained. You never know, either of us could be next." Farlan warned, earning a squeak from the pigtailed girl. Yeah, we were on first name terms now. It felt wrong for them to look up to me, when I was in their age group.

"Do you buy this shit, Olivia?" Levi questioned quickly. His navy blue irises met my mismatched ones and I shook my head.

"Not really, but titans exist so why can't monsters? It's not all complete nonsense." I shrugged submissively and Levi ruffled Isabel's hair.

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