Chapter 82: Unusual

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We arrived in Trost by late afternoon, and word was already spreading about how silent it was.

They weren't wrong, if the Wall had been breached, there would be more Titans. More action.

It was unusual. So what was the status of the Wall?

Levi, Pastor Nick, and I were all about to enter the main building, housing our regiment, when Erwin threw the door open.

"Ah perfect. Levi. Olivia. Pastor. Welcome back. I take it your trip back was pleasant?" He asked formally.

"No. Mike's dead Erwin. He died alone. Utgard Castle was where we found our rats and our mouse." I snapped angrily, his eyebrows raised slightly and I sneered.

"I see," Erwin said remorsefully, his eyebrows moving from his typical stern position. "That is upsetting news. Do we know how?"

"Alone. He died alone. Erwin, we need to talk, privately." I hissed, my anger licking at my throat, just begging for me to say something out of line.

I wanted to, desperately. It wouldn't be the first time I've put him in his place, but I didn't want to let go completely.

My anger was dangerous. Hot coals is how it would start, before turning into a roaring inferno with a quiet voice and a sharp tongue.

Hardly any yelling was required, just sharp wits and the right words. It took more grown men down then I could count compared to yelling.

"That will have to wait until I'm done with my affairs. For now, I need you and Levi on standby with Nick." Erwin stepped closer to Levi and me, lowering his voice "Pixis has been asking for my presence. Reinforcements have gathered in the middle of town for evacuation procedures, I expect you to follow through."

Levi clicked his tongue and I furiously threw my foot into Erwin's shin, making the taller man flinch and scrunch his face slightly. He leaned down slightly as I grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"When this is over Erwin, I'm going to whoop your ass. This is one too many times you've avoided my topics of conversation and decided to ignore me. Enough. Punish me as you'd like later, I'm sick of your bullshit. I'll follow through even when this is over. I expect you to listen to me then." I hissed into his ear and then pushed him back.

We made eye contact, and I could see the regret in his eyes. Something that rarely happened at all.

"As you wish, Olivia. Now, let's go."

I was stunned, why did he give me that look?

* * * * *

It was hot. Very hot. Mid year weather was a nuisance on its own, but the anger in my veins from the numerous MP's commenting on my eyes, was enough to send me over the edge.

Levi, Nick, and I sat quietly in a cart, minding our own business while listening to the endless remarks coming from around us.

It was hard to keep my temper under control, given that these men and women were adding to it.

'Whats the Pastor doing with the Scouts?'

'Sheesh, look at her eyes, they're freaky.'

'Yeah, do you think she's a Titan too?'

'It wouldn't surprise me. These damn Scouts and their secrets.'

'Man, freak or not, she's got things going on in other places.'

Will of the Broken (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now