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//Damn I hate myself for writing this chapter. May God forgive the sin I've committed. Hope you guys were traumatised just like I did//

Esther laughed maniacally as she left the basement. She went upstairs to the room that she locked the other Addams. When she entered the room she started to rage "FUCK!" she yelled as she break the door.

She sniffed around the room to track them down but she just smiled "smart move Addams. Smart move" she said as she wiped her nose to get rid of the scented smell of the perfume sprayed all over the room.
"I'll buy you another 10 bottles of that perfume Tich. Right now we need to go and save those two" Gomez said as he console his wife. He then look at his son "Pugsley you go to the nearest police station with Lurch. Me and your mother will go save them" he said as he fix his suit.

Pugsley grabbed his dad's hand "no that. Wednesday always save me when I'm in trouble. I want to go and do the same for her and Enid" he said seriously. Gomez look at his wife and they both just smiled "alright. Let's go save them" he said and go back to the house.
One of the men tear down her clothes. Not one line of thread left on her body. The men looked at her hungrily as another man began to touch her bare skin "don't worry. It's going to be fun" he said as he smirked at her.

"Ahh! Stop!! No!!" Enid cried out loud as her body savagely being ravaged by those men. All of them just laughed at her whimpered for mercy as they took their turns. "WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!"
Wednesday gasped from her exhaustion she had from trying her best to free herself "E-Enid?" She said as she look around. She shook herself hard "Arghh! Fuck" she cursed as she began to cry herself as she felt useless.

Esther came in as she clapped her hands "I'm amazed by your family. They've escaped themselves but they left you here alone. I thought Addams should stick together" she mocked as she took a chair and sat in front of the goth girl.

"They'll come back. I know they will" Wednesday said as she glared at Esther who laughed at her "what if they don't? Plus they still have your little brother to be Addams successor. Even though that boy pretty dumb to me." She said as she lie against the chair.

Wednesday looked away because it really hurt to hate on Murray when it is actually Esther in front of her. Esther then took out her phone and video call someone "hey. Look. I got one good show for you" she said as the call is connected."This is how we werewolf mate to continue our pack lines" she said as smile creeps on her face.

"Please no more! Ahk-"

"YOU MONSTER!" Wednesday jumped on Esther but the woman punch her hard on the face making the goth girl fell to the ground. "Here" Esther placed the phone next to her "you can watch my daughter being ravaged as a torment for you" she said as she left the goth girl.

Wednesday couldn't bare to watch it. The sounds from the phone is killing her. She cried herself out loud "Enid! I'm sorry. MMMAARRGHHH!!!" She yelled. Every moves she made to free herself, her skins grazed by the chains making bloods started to come out through her clothes.
"Cara mia, can you use your telepathic power to communicate with our daughter" Gomez asked as they still sneakily running back to the house. Morticia stopped for awhile and focus her mind and start communicate "Wednesday" She called.

Wednesday on the other side ,stopped crying as she felt someone calling her "who is that?" She called.

Morticia smiled as she finally get to her "it's mother my dear. We're coming for you and Enid. Is she with you?" She asked concernly.

The goth girl kept silent for a moment and look at the phone that the call still connected "no... She's... she's... Oh mother please come...hurry.." she said as she continue to cry again.

Morticia looked at her husband with horrified looks "we need to hurry." She said as she began to ran faster. Pugsley and Gomez follows after her.
"Man I'm done. Can't even get it up" one of the man laughed as he sat next to poor shewolf. Enid just stared at them lifelessly.  Not long after that Esther came back to the basement.

"I didn't pay you guys to rest." She said as she crossed her arms in disappointment. "Sorry boss were out of energy" one of the man said.

Esther slapped him and glared at them "pathetic dogs. Now go and get rid of my other children's dead body in the cabin. It started to smell. Eat it if you want." She said as sat on the shabby couch.

Enid weakly tried to look at her mother as she was shocked at what the woman just said "m... mo..ther...are.. my.." she tried to speak but her mouth was too hurt and torn a bit at the sides.

"Sorry can't here you. Oh- you want to ask me if I really kill them? Yes I did. It needs a big sacrifices for me to get this strong control over this body." She said as she walked towards Enid.

She knelt down and caressed her daughter's bruised face "look at you. So pity. this won't happen if you just listen to me in the first place. Now you're nothing but a useless whore" she said as she pushed the shewolf's face to the side. "Where is your Wednesday? Did she come to save you?" She mocked as she laughed straight to Enid's face.
Pugsley checked all the perimeter of the house "clear" he said slowly as he showed thumbs up sign. As Gomez was about to enter the house, the pack of men earlier come out from the front door "I came in that bitch 3 times dude. I can't wait to continue with her later after this" one of them said proudly.

Hearing that ignites rage inside of all the Addams. Gomez grabbed one of them and snapped his head off "no one should mess with us Addams" he threatened the others. Both he and Pugsley fight the others as Morticia run inside to find her daughter.

She ran through every room inside of the house but fail until she stared at one room across her. It's the room that is belong to the Sinclair's couple. She barged the door opened and shocked to see her daughter on the floor "mother..." Wednesday said weakly.

"Oh my dear" she quickly knelt down and put her daughter sit up back again. She noticed the chain were locked with padlock "don't worry I'll get you out of these" she said as she began to look all over the room for something that might help her.

She then stumbled upon a pin on the dressing table "this could work" she said to herself. She quickly use her knowledge to unlock it by using the pin. After few minutes and tries , click! the padlock is now unlocked.

Wednesday fall onto her mother as she got no more energy left in her. All used from the struggles into freeing herself. Morticia helped her daughter as she supported her back and assist her to walk.

Both Gomez and Pugsley met again with Morticia and Wednesday in the house "we've killed those bastards. None of them manage to beg for mercy" Pugsley said as he wiped off the bloods from his face.

"Where's Enid?" Gomez asked his wife who already looked down. He turned his head towards the goth girl "my little storm cloud... where is-" "she's in the basement...those bastards that you've killed... Raped her turns by turns" she said as she gain back her energy by the rage she felt "I'm going to fucking kill Esther this time" she said as she make her ways to the basement.

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