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Wednesday stepped back as she's processing the situation she's in now. She then look at Goody "what the heck you mean he's back? I've killed him." She said angrily.

Goody nodded her head slowly "you did. But someone have found his ring and he's being using that person to get back to this world" she explained.

"Who?! Just tell me so I can put an end to this!" she said raising her voice to the spirit. Goody smiled weakly as she slowly disappeared "you're my great successor Wednesday. I'm sure you'll figure this out."

"Wait! I haven't finis-" as Wednesday tried to chase after the spirit she heard someone calling up to her.



The goth girl felt pain on her face as she opened her eyes only to find she's being carried on Enid's body with Thing next to her "What happened? Why did she transformed?" She asked to the hand.

"I'll explain once we're safe" the hand signed. The shewolf kept on running until she found a small cave and brought the goth girl there. She gently out Wednesday down and turned to her human self.

She staggered her ways to the goth girl before collapsing in her arms. Wednesday hold her close as she took off her sweater and gave it to her.

Thing tapped towards his goth girl master. "I demand explanation" Wednesday said angrily. "You were passed out in the van. We all panicked to see you like that. Then out of the blue we were attacked by something. It is dark figures." He explained.

"Enid transformed and brought you far away to somewhere safe. I don't know what happened to others" Thing finished his explanation.

Wednesday sighed and look at her fiancé who is sleeping after feeling exhausted from the runnings. She then turned to face his loyal companion "I believe this is Crackstone's doing. We need to get back and save the others" she said to the hand.
"Hold still" Eugene said as he aid Mya who had scraped her knee from the running. She look around to make sure their surrounding is safe.

Jazz ran towards them with some branches she collected "how's her wounds?" She asked the beeboy as she put the branches down. Eugene look at her and sighed "not that bad. It'll heal soon" he said as he rested his back against the tree.

Mya joined him and look at the sky slowly getting dark "are we gonna die here?" She said bluntly that shocked the beeboy. "Nonsense. We won't because we're the student of Nevermore Academy" he said proudly and suddenly he tears up.

Jazz who were busy lighting up the fire threw small rock on him "stop being a wimp will ya?? Man up!" She said angrily and slowly began to tears up too as she given up lighting the fire "fuck this! Here i am lost in the wood.  Both Aelia and Ajax captured by them and I'm stuck with these two!" She let out her frustration.

Mya walked towards her slowly "we're gonna be fine. They'll be fine too. Let's pray nothing is bad happen to them" she said trying her best to be positive.
"Divina! Yoko!" Kylie yelled as she struggled to free herself and beside her was unconscious Kent.  They're all being chained to the floor.

Slowly they opened their eyes "wha- nhg!" yoko groans as she tried to pull the chains off with her strength. "Don't waste your energy Yoko." they turned their head just to caught them by surprise.

"Mr.Fig?" Yoko said in confusion "why would you attacked us? We've done nothing wrong to you!" She continue expressing her anger.

Kylie felt betrayed. The only teacher she's been look up to was the one behind the attack "where's the others? What did you do to them?" She asked.

Fig walked towards her and grabbed her by the cheeks "i don't like that tone young lady" he said angrily. He let her go and sighed "let's see... Aelia,Ajax,Bianca and Xavier were put in different room. Don't worry. I won't do anything to them." He told his students.

Kylie focused on her power to get onto the teacher's head "ARGHH!!!" She screamed in pain. Kent tried to go to her but he's stucked too "KYLIE!! What did you do to her??!" He yelled.

Fig turned his head to the siren boy "me? No I didn't do anything to her. She did that to herself. It's rude to get into someone's mind. Ever heard of personal space?" He said as he laughed.

"Why...why would you do this to us? For what reason?" Divina asked the elf. Fig smiled and knelt infront of her "for power and recognition. I've fed up doing people's job and took for granted. People always make fun of me just because I'm an elf." He said as he gritted his teeth.

"But everything changed when i found this magnificent ring" he said as he showed his hand showing the ring he wore.

Yoko's eyes widen as she recognised the ring "that's Joseph Crackstone's ring. How did you get it?" She asked curiously.

Fig chuckled as he got up "good job Yoko. I didn't think you would recognise this. But you're right,it is His ring. I found it kept inside Larissa's drawer. There's so much cool stuff in there but this? I just can't take my eyes off of it." he said as he caressed the ring.

"You don't know what you're dealing with. He's a Devil! He slaughtered the outcast like us!" Yoko raised her voice angrily. Fig got annoyed and slapped her hard "student shan't raise their voice to their teacher. You insolent brat" he said.

"You think I'm stupid? Of course I knew about it. I just want his power! Not being his little lamb!" He explained himself.

He then walked away from them "sorry for hitting you Yoko but it is Wednesday that I want" he said as he left them.

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