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"3...2..1..." Yoko looked away from her phone timer and then looked at her friends "are you guys ready?" Yoko said as she hold the bat "let's hunt the mice" she said as they splits up hunting for Lucas all over the mansion. 'fuck it fuck it fuck it' Lucas thought as he hid himself inside the basement behind the cupboard. '

"Lu~ cas~ come out come out wherever you are~" Kylie called out for him.  Kent laughed as he grabbed her waist "you sure are excited to kill this boy aren't you?" He said as he pinned her against the wall. Kylie smirked as she stopped him from kissing her by putting her finger on his lips "we're not making out in creepy mansion. Nuh uh." She said as she gently pushed him off and continue the hunt.

Ajax and Aelia were looking at the front yard, the checked every inch of the house "I swear if I get that shithead I would cut off his dick for Xavier" the demigod said as she bend down to search in the bushes as she turned her head to the window of the basement, a smile creeps on her face "gotcha" she then opened the window "hey Lu~cas~" she called him.

Lucas turned his head looked at her in terror "p-please don't kill me" he begged as he slowly crawled towards the window. "Darling come here. I found the mice" she called for the gorgon who then quickly ran towards her "geez. Too soon??" He shrugged. Suddenly she though of something "okay.. okay.. you can ran for your life. We won't catch you" she said as she move away from the window "come on free yourself" she said. Ajax pulled her towards him and whispered "babe what are you doing?"

As the normie climbed out towards his 'freedom' Aelia screamed out loud "GUYS! HE'S ESCAPING!!" . Lucas frantically ran for his dear life "fuck! fuck!" . They went outside and saw Lucas is getting away "why didn't you catch him?" Yoko is mad at Aelia. The demigod just smile and take her now and error "why I need to run when I'm good at hunting?" She said as she focus her arrow targeted on Lucas. When she released it FWOOOPH! the arrow pierced through his head.

Everyone was shocked and amazed by her "nice shot Ael" Kylie praised her roommate. Both Ajax and Kent walked towards the normie they poached "even when he's dead,he still looks annoying" Ajax said making the siren laughed. They both dragged the body back to the mansion.

"Now he's dead. We can't have all the fun" Yoko said as she still mad at the demigod. Aelia punched her slightly on the shoulder "chill out. I have an idea" she then pulled the arrow from Lucas's head and asked them to hang him up, Ajax and Kent obliged. Aelia then extended her hand on the dead normie and used her healing power. Few minutes later the normie is back to life as he gasped hard to breath.

He looked around and noticed he's surrounded by them "wait! How is this possible? I was dead didn't I?" He asked as he struggled to free himself.
Divina pulled out a knife and stroke along his jaw making the boy screamed in pain "you don't need to know. Now please enjoy the pain" she said as she watched the blade dripped with blood.

Yoko pulled out the pliers from her pocket "guess you won't be needing these anymore as you're going to die slowly" she said as she pulled out his nails one by one. Lucas cries out "noo!! It hurts please stopp!!" He begged but none of them listening.  The vampire passed the pliers to Kent who does the same with the toenails.

Aelia just watched the normie being tortured from the corner as she sat on the chair "this is what you get from messing with my friends"  she said under her breath. They all spent the rest of the night torturing the normie. Lucas's body now all covered with blood as he still slowly cried in pain " k..kill me" he begged as he given up to stay alive.

Ajax walked towards him and stood infront of him "look at me" he said and the normie slowly lift his head up. The gorgon forced open his mouth and cut off his tongue and punch him on the face strong enough to broke few pieces of his teeth "don't fucking tell us what to do!" He yelled. Aelia then walked towards her boyfriend and calmed him down.

They all went out from the mansion and poured gasoline around the mansion. For 30 minutes they'd done and left the mansion. Kylie lit up the lighter and threw it on the ground making the fire spread out rapidly all over the mansion. Kylie took out her phone and called for them "let's took a picture" they all agreed and took a group selfie with burning mansion as the background.

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