Matrimony of the Love Birds

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Wednesday woke up early again the next day. She take a look on Enid who is still asleep and smile "I'll be back soon amore" she said slowly and walked out from the room.

Few minutes passed, Enid opened her eyes and get off her bed "let's see what are you up to" she said to herself as she wears her jacket.

"Enid?" Kylie asked as she rubbed her eye.

The shewolf stunned and turned her back facing the girl "h-hey Kylie~ did i wake you up?"

The girl yawns widely "are you going somewhere?" She asked.

"I uh..going for a quick run. Don't worry" Enid fidgeted a bit.

Kylie nodded "alright. Careful okay" she said as she continues her sleep.

Enid sighed in relief and slowly chased after the goth girl.

Kylie gets up fully awake while contacting someone with her phone "the canine took the bait. Get ready" she said.
The shewolf follows from far as she watched the goth girl 'what are you up to now Wends?' She thought. They're now at Jericho's graveyard.

Wednesday look left and right to make sure no one's following her. Enid hid behind the bush as she watches.

"You can come out now mon chiot. I know you've been following me" she said as she turned her back facing straight towards Enid.

The shewolf slowly gets up and gets closer "what are you doing here? Since when you know to lie straight to my face? I know you didn't go gardening yesterday" She asked gradually raising her voice.

"Calm down. I did all these for you. For us" Wednesday said as she try to calm her fiancé.

"Just be straightforward to me will you?" She asked out of frustration.

Wednesday gets down on her knee as she hold out a small heart shaped box in her hands "Enid" she called as she look up at the shewolf "will you marry me?" She asked as she opened it showing two black golden rings with small carved obsidian on top.

Enid was speechless and shocked "a-are you being serious right now? Here? On top of possibly someone's grave???" She asked as she blushed.

Wednesday nodded and smiled "why not? For Addams , this is the most romantic place ever to propose to the love of our life." She explained.

"Wednesday...I..." she paused.

The goth girl waited for her patiently. "...I.." Enid sighed slowly and smiled "of course I want to get marry to you silly. Who else i wanna be with if it's not with you?" She said as she extended her hand.

Wednesday gets up and smiles "then let's get marry now" she said excitedly.

"Now?" Enid said confused at the moment.

Wednesday smiled "yes. But for now i want you to close your eyes." She took out her handkerchief and cover it around Enid's head covering her eyes.

"What are you planning right now Wends??" She asked. The goth girl chuckled at the shewolf "see you later amore" she kissed her softly.

The goth girl walked away from there leaving the shewolf behind.

"Wends?" Enid called. Suddenly she felt someone grabbing her by the shoulder. As she was about to flinched the person said "relax it's me Yoko. Let's go get you ready"
"Alright guys. Just like we planned. Don't mess it up or Wednesday will kill you afterwards" Aelia said as she warned the others.

They all gets in their positions and finishing their final touch up. Wednesday reached the lake right on time as she catches her breath "where's Ael" she asked Pugsley who were busy with the flowers.

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