can't believe this

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It's been 3 days since the incident. Kent was expelled from school.Weirdly some people thought he's innocent, Divina especially. She really thinks that her brother is innocent. She needs to find out who could framed her twin. She knew her brother more than others. After he was expelled, Kent was staying at home "don't worry Div..I'm okay...I did take my med on time too" he said as he was on the phone with his sister.

Divina feels bad that she didn't help her brother sooner, she only realised after she noticed how sincere and innocent her brother   when Weems call him for the intervention that night.

"Trust me Principal Weems! Please sis! I'm not aware of what I'm doing! Yes I admit I'm dangerous when I'm unstable but I would never do that to Wednesday or even tried to rape her!" He pleads as hard as he can and tears flowing like a streams

"Div? Sis?" He called his sister who just went silent on the phone.  "Sorry I was lost with my thoughts" she said throwing her head back slowly facing the ceiling. "You think it's possible for us to get affect by siren song too?" Kent asked. That question popped into her mind. Is it possible? "I'm not sure but why did you think that?" she asked back. Kent just sighed and almost hurt his mind try to remember that particular night "I dunno if I'm hallucinating but the first thing I heard was snapping fingers" that part caught her attention  "and Bianca seems to laugh at me. but my last memory before I was in the crypt were the one we all at the Nightshade library and I walked away from you guys making fun of m-" he continued and his eyes widen as his sister cut him "-and Bianca came to comfort you!"  They finally cracked the mystery. But why would Bianca do that. What's her motive?

"You just stay at home. I'll figure this out. Don't worry Kent. I'll bring justice for you bro" she ends the call and told this to Yoko. Of course that shocked that vamp too. They keep this secret to each other "she cannot find this out that we already aiming for her" Divina said as Yoko nodded in agreement.

Enid have been visiting Wednesday after school. Today she's going again with hopes Wednesday will finally wake up. As she walk passed the hall , Ajax stopped her "hey . Going to Wednesday again?" He asked but Enid just nodded , she just want to be there as fast as she could "do you have something to talk?" She asked . Ajax just smiles at her "I know this wasn't the right time but can I take you out for a date. I want to make up the last time I ruined it" he explained and continue "this time please don't say no. I'm dying with guilts" he said dramatically. Enid felt sorry for him a bit "I'll inform you after I visit her.bye!" she waved and quickly went into her Uber that just arrived.

Few minutes later ,she arrived there, she even brought flowers for the unconscious girl "howdy roomie~ look! It's chrysanthemum. Good for making herbal tea." She said as gently placing the flowers in the vase and pull the chair to sit next to the bed. Slow taps was heard nearer "Thing! So how's Wednesday before I arrive, any update" the hand just signed no "her parents coming today and they wants to thanks you for rescuing her." Thing signed at her. The thoughts of meeting Addams Family some scared her some excites her "I just hope they don't kill me for making their daughter cried because of me" she sighed and Thing tap her shoulder to comfort.

An hour later Gomez and Morticia along with Pugsley entered the room followed by Lurch. It brokes Gomez to see her daughter in that position "oh my little storm cloud..." He said as he move closer to her daughter. Morticia could only comfort her beloved husband "Thank you for taking care of our little scorpion for the past 3 days. We really owe you Sinclair" she thanked Enid and pull for a hug. "S-Sure I don't mind. Just call me Enid" she said to the Morticia who just nodded and smile to her "I'll leave you guys alone. I'm going to be back to Nevermore now" she added . Gomez walked over to Enid and gives her a big hug "oh I'm so grateful for you on being her friend. Lurch, send Enid to Nevermore safely okay" he told his faithful butler.

-I'll be arrived soon. Meet me at quad-

Enid send the message to Ajax. She wasn't sure if she even want to go. She did took him pity and she feels bad for it

-cool 😎 can't wait. See ya soon-

Ajax replied back. He quickly gather his stuff and put on cologne "too much?" He sniffed himself "nahhh we're good" he said and get out from his room and wait for Enid at the quad.

Few minutes later Enid arrived and saw Ajax "hey. Sorry. Did I make you wait?"she asked but the Gorgon just shook his head "not really. I can wait longer. So shall we?" He pulls out his hand for her. Enid was in dejavu but she did hold his hand. Surprisingly she doesn't feel the spark. It wasn't there anymore. She put on forced smile to him. They went to the lake nearby hand in hand as they arrived Enid was stunned by the small picnic and decorations light that lit up the place. She turned over to Ajax who proud by it with goofy smile "you did this?" She said and slowly sit on the mat "well of course. It's specially done for you." Ajax said looking at Enid passionately.

They talked ,they eat and have laughs together until one of them gets tired "thanks for tonight Ajax. I did enjoy the time spent with you" she thanked him who the face few inches away from her "me too ,Enid" Ajax move forward for a kiss, his lips touches Enid's. Her eyes widen and pushed him away slightly "no. I'm sorry Ajax . I can't do it with you" she said as she's standing up. Ajax was dumbfounded "are you messing with me Enid? Because I don't find this funny. I thought you like- I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME TOO" he said raising his voice a little.

He felt betrayed and toyed. Enid in tears try to explain her dilemma "I did! But over the same time another feelings were build up for another person." She said choking on her own tears. Made it harder when the pain her chest was unbearable "I still want to be with you but as friend. I almost lose her and now I can't afford to lose you too" she noticed that she slipped up her words. Ajax was surprised by it "her? Wednesday?? Is that her that you're referring to?" He asked but he doesn't sound like mad at her. He's now understand it all and pull Enid for a hug. The shewolf was speechless "it's okay... cries it all out. You'll never lose me. I'm still gonna be with you when you need me. Even just as don't need to be guilty anymore." he said as he gently strokes his fingers along her hair. Enid cries on his chest . Letting out all the guilts she keeps inside.

Few minutes later they both packing up the place and walked back to Nevermore side by side "Ajax..I'm really sorry for leading you on..I never meant to. I'm so confused with my feelings at the moment" she said as she let out a long sigh . Ajax just laugh and hit her on the shoulder "nah it's fine. At least I don't really fell hard for you yet. So we're cool. Thanks for clarifying it all earlier. If not I would stone you too" he said with a wide grin . Enid laughed at the threats awkwardly and did feel scared at the same time.

They both parts their way to their own dorm. When Enid arrived in her room saw Yoko and Divina already waits for her "hi guys! What are you guys doing here?" She asked those girl. "It's about Kent" Divina said but by hearing that name really boils Enid mad "why tf you need to mention his name?" She said as she grabbed Divina by the collar of her shirt but stopped by Yoko "care to listen first what she's trying to explain" the vamp said. Enid let go of her and sat on her bed "you have 5 mins" she said. Divina looks at Yoko and took a deep breath and exhale slowly "I think he was sirened by Bianca to do dirty work for her. He was used by her. I guess the motive was obvious, she seek revenge on Wednesday for humiliating her on the Poe Cup Tournament"  she explained to the shewolf who is now mad even more "but why the extend to almost rape her?" She stated.

Both of them thoughts for awhile and suddenly Yoko gets the idea "to get Xavier all to herself of course! She's been convincing him that she have changed but he won't believe her and that guy was all over Wednesday even she's already shows no by making herself look responsible for that night , it did fool Xavier thinking she really have change. And did you guys even notices how close they are now. All over the school like lovebirds as if they both were glued together"  she cracked another reason. Divina really hate Bianca now. Both her and Kent stays loyal to her but she betrayed it all. Enid was about to get someone kill today all she thinks now is to put an end to that siren. "I can't believe she would do Wednesday dirty like this" Enid said as she looks at Divina and Yoko who just nodded in agreement.

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