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"Rafflesia arnoldii or as famously known as stinking corpse lily is a species of flowering plant in the parasitic genus Rafflesia.It is noted for producing the largest individual flower on Earth. It has a strong and unpleasant odor of decaying flesh." Mr.Fig explained as he showed his students the slides.

"So this flowe-" knock knock. Someone interrupted him and he just sighed slowly "yes may I help you Principal Weems?" He asked. The principal entered and whispered to his ear. The elf just nodded and looked at his student "Aelia, Please follow Principal Weems to her office" he said.

The demigod is dumbfounded as she turn to look at the gorgon who is also puzzled. She kept her stuff to the side and walked to the front. "Thank you Fig~ see you later" Larissa said slowly as she exit the class with Aelia. Mr.Fig blushed slightly then continue with the class.

"May I know why I'm being taken out from the class?" Aelia asked as she walked side by side with the principal. Larissa just smiled and kept quite "you'll find it out later" she said and kept walking.

Few minutes later they arrived Larissa's office. The principal opened the door for her "after you" she said. For some reason Aelia felt uneasy,not because of the warm gesture given by the principal but she sense someone's that she hates are in the room she's about to enter "hi Aelia. I miss you a lot. How's school?" Apollo said as he moved forward to her.

Her eyes widen as she took a step back "F-Father? What are you doing here?" She said as try to remain calm.Apollo walked closer to her "a father miss his daughter. Can't I meet my own daughter?" He said as he smiled.

Larissa clapped her hands together "so Mr.Apollo it's so great to meet you in person. I'm a fan. I used to watch all sports game that you took in."she said as she smiled at him and extend her hand.

Apollo smiled as he shook the principal's hand "I'm happy for your support. So can I took my daughter out for a while?" He asked.

Larissa looked at the time clock on her table "actually we don't let our students out during school hours" she said as she sat on her chair.

"Oh come on. Maybe there's something we could do?" He said as he got closer to her desk. Aelia pulled her father away from the principal "excuse us."

"What the hell was that??" She asked as she crossed her arm annoyed at her father. Apollo just chuckled "shooting my shot. Plus I could say your principal is into me" he said proudly.

"No she's not and just spit out the fact why are you actually here father. Why? aren't you with your happy family?" She asked .

Apollo snapped as he glared at her "stop acting like a brute young lady. I'm here because I need your help" he said.

The young demigod was surprised to know that the proud and great Apollo came to his daughter that he neglected for a help "are you being serious? Because you're actually almost making me laugh" she said.

"I've lost my ability and power Aelia. You're the only one that I could seek for help. Ever since your grandfather took my power, the spells I put on your stepmother has gone. She even lodge report me of marrying her against her will" he explained.

She was speechless. She doesn't know what to actually react. She's happy that her father had face the consequences of his own actions but at the same time she pity her old man "no. I can't help you. I'm just a student. I can't take care of you. Plus the police are looking out for you and I don't event want to get in prison for hiding a fugitive" she said as she sighed.

"Please Aelia , you're the only one hope for me" he said as he pulled her into his arm "maybe we could start all over and fix our father-daughter relationship" he said as slowly.

The class has ended for the day. Wednesday sighed as she packed her stuff suddenly the vampiren (get it? Vampire×siren = vampiren. Hahaha what no? Okay :'D ) walked towards her "yo gothy! Wanna come with us to town? Weathervane have buy two milkshakes free 1 banana splits ice cream" Yoko said as she put her elbows on the table and support her chin with her hand.

"You call me that again. I would stab through your heart" she said coldly as she get off the chair. Divina comfort her girlfriend as she chuckled "Wednesday don't be so cold on my batsy. Plus you should really try their banana split it's the best in town." She said.

Yoko looked at Wednesday as she acted cute "pweasssee Wednesday~ com with ush pweasssee~" she said followed by her siren girlfriend.

Wednesday looked at them as they gave her pleading looks "fine. But give me 10 minutes. I wanna go to the beekeeping club It's been a while I didn't go see Eugene" she said.

Yoko smiled happily as the goth girl agreed "okay no probs! We'll wait at the gate" she said as walked away with Divina.

Wednesday hurriedly go to the club. As she arrived the president is nowhere to be found. She then walked closer to the shed. She tried to open the door but seems like it's locked "Eugene. Are you in there?" She said as she knocked the door slowly.

The door is opened by the president as he hid behind the door "oh it's you...come inside Wednesday" he said as he opened the door wide for her. He sat on the stool and blew his nose and wipe his tears.

"Are you crying?" Wednesday asked concernly. Eugene didn't answer her and kept quite. She then stood closer to the beeboy "we Hummers should stick together right?" She said.

Eugene take a look and her as tears start to form again "Nile...and I had a fight. They said I spend my time more with my babees than them...I thought they could understand... apparently they're not" he said.

The goth girl put her hand on the beeboy's shoulder but not actually touching him "don't worry Eugene. You guys will work it out together soon. Say... Do you want to join me and the others to town?" She asked.

"No...I don't feel like going" he said. Wednesday thought of something for a moment and smiled to herself "there'll be banana splits too" she said.

Quickly Eugene wiped his tears and get up "let's go!" He said as he walked out first. Wednesday sighed and chuckled at his behaviour as it reminds her of Pugsley.

Few minutes later she met again with the vampiren at the gate waiting for her. Yoko ran and cried to her "I thought you bail on us" she said to the goth girl as she put her hands on the goth girl's shoulder.

"Divina please warn Yoko that she might lose her precious hands if it goes on for another minute"  Wednesday said coldly. Yoko quickly take off her hands from her shoulders and laughed awkwardly.

Divina just laughed and saw Eugene stood next to the goth girl "hi Eugene.  How's your bees?" She asked. The beeboy just said the bees are doing fine. She then remembered of something "where's Nile? They're coming with us too?" She asked.

Eugene suddenly saddened hearing Nile's name. He just stared on the ground. Wednesday noticed and changed the topic "we should hurry before the promotion end" she said.
Aelia peeked into her room and scanned the room "great" she said under her breath as no one's around. She opened the door and grabbed his father inside "you can't be here for too long. My roommate will come back in awhile" she said as she sat on her bed.

Apollo looked around the Ophelia hall "what a spacious room you have. I could use some part of the room to stay-" "no! You're not staying here. I'm calling Aunt Artemis to take you" she said as she took out her phone and dialled a number.

Apollo sighed and walked closer to her "you're not calling anyone" he said as he grabbed the phone and turned it off. Aelia's face changed as she backed away from him "w-what are you doing dad?" She asked as she's now scared of the man infront of her.

"I just want a place to hide" he said as he got closer and closer "can you do that for me?" He said as he smirked. Aelia nodded and turned her head to the side scared of facing her old man.

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