What the hell...

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"Ael! What's happening to her?" Enid asked panicked by the sudden collapse of the goth girl.

Aelia try to check on her "her pulses are all normal. Could it be she's having a vision??" She said as she look at Enid.

They all carry her to the bed , placing her carefully on it "when will Mr.Fig and Mrs.Weems come back?" Enid asked.

"Should be by this week." Kylie answered.

Knock knock

They all turned to look at the door. "Kylie...you open the door" said Aelia to her.

"What no! What if it some sus guy ??" She said.

"Enough you two. I'll open" Enid said angrily as she she get to the door slowly. She grabbed the doorknob and slowly opens it.

She's shocked when she opens it "Uncle Fester?! What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Hello! Wednesday didn't tell you?? I'm teaching here from now onwards and" he turned his side showing Pugsley.

"Hey sis!" He said with a wide smile.

Enid was still shock and glad at the same time. Pugsley noticed his sister lying on the bed "what happened to Wednesday?"

Enid let those two enter the room and Fester checked on his niece "her vitals are good." He said.

"Yes. I checked that too earlier. She just collapsed once she arrived" Aelia told him.

"Oh Wends...what's happening to you?" Enid said as she cries.
"Where am i? Goody? Are you there?" She called as she found herself in a room full of her pictures. She walked closer and saw bunches of articles about her.

"What the hell..." she said slowly. The room is unfamiliar to her. She never been to this room but why she's here?

"Shit.... it's really you."

Wednesday turned her back and saw a guy looking at her "who are you? Why am i here?" She asked.

"You really forgotten about me...did you eat the food I delivered?"

Suddenly the goth girl remembered "you're the delivery guy" she said.

"Yup. That's me. Oh no worries. The food is safe to eat. I'm Jonah used to friend with Lucas. They said he was sent abroad. But i know your friends killed him." He said as he smile mischievously.

"So what? You want to threaten them by hurting me? Good luck with that." She said as she backed away.

"No I'm not. I'm happy he's gone. That shithead need to die anyway. Did you see all the pictures i took of you? Aren't they beautiful?" He said as he moved closer.

Wednesday look around and noticed a Pentacle drawn on the floor "you summoned me?"

"Yes i did. I've learned the illegal magics just so I can be with you. But it's not enough... for now i can just summon your soul but soon with greater sacrifices i can make you mine forever" he said as he pinned her to the wall.

"Those magics will turned you upside down. You mortal can't take the consequences. And let me ask you, why now?What did i ever do to you to make you obsessed with me?" She said.

"Love requires patience and time to build. When you first time fought with me at Weathervane, my heart beats faster. And when you put me in stocks...a new door have opened within me. I want you to dominate me Wednesday!" He said as he forced himself to the goth girl.

Wednesday struggles to fight with him as she is not in her full strength. She look for something that could end the misery she's in. Then she remembered something.

She gathered all her strength she have for the moment and pushed him hard to the floor. She ran towards pentacle and luckily it is drawn with salt "good bye fucker" she said as she messed with the pentacle.

Wednesday quickly came back to her sense as she open her eyes and saw Enid ,Uncle Fester,Pugsley and her roommates watching at her worriedly.

She pulled Enid for a hug and hold her tightly "this is real right? You're my Enid right?" She asked while having a panic attack.

Enid calmed down her fiancé as she gently stroked her back "yes Wends. I'm your Enid." She said.

Fester sighed in relief "well she's back to us now. Wednesday what happened when you're out?" He asked.

The goth girl slowly pulls away from the shewolf but still holding onto her "I was summoned by Jonah,Lucas's friend. Apparently he's obsessed with me." She said.

Enid was shocked and checked all over Wednesday "did he do something to you? Tell me where he live. I promise I'll-"

"He tried to do something to me... but I pushed him away and messed with his pentacle. That's why I'm able to go back." The goth girl said after she cut the shewolf.

Fester thought for a second and noticed something on the goth girl "where's your talisman? Do you still have it?" He asked.

"It's in my drawer. I just forgot to wear it today..." she said.

"Then wear it. Don't ever take it off. It will protects you from evil magics" he explained.

(I dunno how this gonna go but okay. I'll jump off the bridge now!"

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