Parent's Day

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Everyone or may some of the students are happy that they can finally meet their parents , unfortunate ones could only stare from far "haihhh" Bianca sighed from above looking down at the quad full of students with their parents, happy family. Suddenly she felt pair of arms wrapped around her waists, she just smiled as the person leaned on his back "that's a long sighed..." Xavier said resting his chin on her shoulder. She turned around and rest her head on his "I'm just jealous of them. Having such loving parents and willing to come from far just to visit them" she said as she hugged him tighter "I just wish I too have a loving parents" she said sadly.

"Am I not loving you enough , Brandy Jane?" Bianca turned her head as she recognised the voice "M-Mum?" She said as quickly let go of her arms from Xavier "W-What are you doing here? Weems said you're banned from coming here" she said frightened by her own mother. "Oh come on. If you can sirened your way to school, why can't I?" Gabrielle said as she stepped closer to her daughter. Xavier sensed something not right with the woman as he stood in front of Bianca, pulling her behind him "don't you get any closer to her" he said to the woman.

Gabrielle rolled her eyes and she stepped closer "go to sleep boy" she sirened him, making him slowly fall down. Bianca look at her mother in terror as she felt the threats coming from Gabrielle's eyes "be a good daughter and follow me." She said as she pulled the young siren along with her.
Enid and Wednesday walked towards the quad together hand in hand. The goth girl looked around and spotted her parents already coming towards them "oh my little storm cloud I missed you so much" he said as he hugged them both "and you must be Enid Sinclair" he asked as he grin widely at her. The shewolf nodded "yes. We met before on Wednesday's first day enrolled to the school" she said as she smiled softly. "Oh yes yes no wonder you look familiar" he said as he pulled his wife, Morticia closer to him. Pugsley hugged her sister and then backed away to stand beside her mother.

Enid felt like Morticia have been staring at her for a long time "um is there something wrong Mrs.Addams?" She asked the older woman. Wednesday then glared at her mother "oh don't worry my dear. I'm just happy to see you in person. I now understand why my cold-hearted daughter could fall in love with you. And please, just call me Morticia or you can also call me mother if you want to" Morticia said as she gave the shewolf the warmest smile the woman ever did. Enid could only blushed and happy she's being accepted by other Addams.

"Would you like to spend the day with us Enid?" Morticia asked as she gently touched the shewolf on the shoulder. Enid shook her head "I would want to but my parents" she glanced over her family that already searching for her "are maybe later?" She said as she rejected politely and then quickly kissed on Wednesday's lips "see you later Wends" she said as she leave the goth girl with her family. Wednesday glared at her parents and brother "not.a.word" she threated them then turned away to hide the smiles creeped on her face.
"We've been looking for you! Where have you been?" Esther asked as she hugged her daughter "oh! Have you even eating enough red meat?? You're so skinny." She said as she pushed the young shewolf to have a better look on her daughter's body. Enid rolled her eyes slightly and let go her mother's hand from her slowly "yes mum. I do." She said as look down.

They then moved to the empty table , sat all packs together. Enid doesn't like it when her mother started comparing her with her siblings and cousins but she's only there for her father "I heard you defeated the Hyde that terrorised the town. I'm proud of you, Enid" Murray,her father said as he smiled at her and then he noticed ring on her finger "is that-" Enid quickly hide her hand and acted like nothing happened. Her mother was curious "show me your hand." Her mother said sternly making all the others at the table went quite. Enid shakily extended her hand towards her mother "are you seeing someone? You've engaged behind us?!" The woman started to rage "who is that guy? Is he a good mate for you?? Is he an alpha in his pack? Please don't bring shame to me Enid...already enough with the disappointment you gave." She continuously shoot Enid with questions until the shewolf cannot stand it anymore "SHUT THE HELL UP! She's just a human and I love her. I'm sorry for being a disappointment to you for years mum! But I'm also had enough of not being a worthy to you!" She stomped her way out from the quad and cried.
"Kent~ are your parents coming?" Kylie said as she snuggled on him. The siren boy just chuckled as he punched her cheek "nope. They both went out of town for business. And have you seen Divina?" He asked his girlfriend again. The girl nodded and pointed "she's with Yoko. Apparently Divina was introduced to Yoko's father." They both look at those people who had their best moment "at least her father accepted Div to their family. Seeing her happy,that's enough for me" Kent said as he smiled. Kylie pulled him closer to her "my mum would like you to come for dinner at town later. You're free right? Coz I know you are." Kylie said as she looked at him seriously. The siren boy walked away as he laughed awkwardly "I think I forgot something to do" he said as he ran away. "Hey!" Kylie ran after him ,making people to put attention on them.
It was awkward meeting for the daughter of Apollo as she's now sitting among the gorgon's family. She felt like one of them might stoned her to death. "So you're the offspring of Apollo?" Ajax mother's said as she stared at demigod coldly. "Y-Yes ma'am" Aelia stuttered answering the woman. Ajax could only suppressed his laugh as he enjoyed his girlfriend being 'tortured' by his family. "You know, my son talked about you a lot to me" his mother said as she gets more serious "but unfortunately, he didn't said that you're-"

"I'm sorry ma'am! Please don't stone me yet. But I love your son so much that I don't even mind he stone me!" Aelia cutted the woman before she could even finished her sentence. All the family member's of Ajax laughed and her mother as well, patting Aelia's back slowly "oh dear I would not do that to my possible daughter-in-law, what I'm about to say is that you're so beautiful, adorable and loveable young lady. He made the right choice." The woman smiled warmly at her as Aelia felt relieved that she's accepted by the family ,she then noticed that Ajax winked at her saying all is good.

They talked for few hours before Ajax's family decided to go home earlier. "Please take care of my boy. And again , welcome to the family Aelia" the woman said as they hugged for a minute before leaving. Aelia could not stop smiling and Ajax noticed that "someone's happy. Say , are your parents coming?" Ajax said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Aelia leaned on his shoulder  a bit "nah..he's busy with the new family. Not that I care." She said as she sighed a bit.
"Mother...I want to go look for Enid. I don't see her with her family" the goth girl said to her mother as the woman nodded. Wednesday took out her phone and dialled the shewolf's number. She kept trying to reach her fiancé but no calls accepted. She walked all over the school for half an hour to find the shewolf and then she facepalmed herself 'wednesday you're an idiot' she thought to herself as she quickly ran to her room.

When she arrived the door was opened a bit "Enid...? Are you there amore?" She walked in and saw how disaster the room was , especially on the gloomy side of their room. Plushies were thrown everywhere,some were tore inside out. Enid's make up was smashed on the floor. It was a mess. She then heard water tap kept open as the water flows non-stop, she turned her back and walked towards the bathroom "amore?" She walked in slowly. Her eyes widen, shocked, her mouth turned dry as she saw Enid were laying on the bathroom floor.

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