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(just reminder. There will be 🔥🔥🔥. So good luck)

Enid woke up early to get ready for the class. She even did her nails and her hair as she do one braid and put on colorful beads at the end of the hair. She checked herself in the mirror "perfect" she said to herself as she applied some lip balm. Suddenly she felt two hands wrapped around her from behind "morning babycakes" she smiled as she felt Wednesday buried her face on her back "mor..mim' " the goth girl said inaudibly.

Enid turned her back and looked at her finance's face.  Wednesday leaned forward to kiss Enid but the shewolf stopped her "not until you brush your teeth first" she chuckled as the goth girl frowned and grabbed her brush. Enid went out to check on her website that she left for quite long time. She scrolled down through the notifications and comments. Some of her fan knew that she was admitted and pray for her fast recovery. Some was eager to know about the current teas in Nevermore. She just replied some of it.

Aelia then woke up as she yawns "mmmmmaaaarrghhhhhhhh" pillow flew right to her face "don't scream you twat! I'm still sleeping" Kylie yelled at her as she cover herself with the blanket. Aelia got up from her bed and pulled Kylie's blanket a bit "how dare you attack me like that. Now for payback. Just sleep all day if you want" Aelia tucked the girl onto her bed with the blanket tucked under the bed. Enid just laughed as she watched her roommate quarrels with each others. Kylie was struggling to free herself "Enid don't just laugh there! Help me!" She called the shewolf.

Kylie then focus on her power and made the demigod lose her balance as she's now float in the air "put me down Rosewood" she glared at her roommate that is bind to the bed. When Wednesday got out from the shower done dressed in her uniform, she facepalmed herself "it's too early for me to handle these monkeys" she said to herself. Enid then walked towards her "let just leave them here" she said as she mischievously smiled. Wednesday nodded as she grabbed her stuffs and left those two behind. Aelia and Kylie looked at those couple in disbelief  the. Look at each others "you better let me down first" Aelia said. "No you free me first" Kylie replied. "Einstein! How the heck I'm going to free you when I'm floating in the air???" Aelia talked back sarcastically.
Wednesday and Enid just laughed about her roommates as they walked towards the quad. There they met Xavier with Bianca who were having their breakfast together "doctor said you need to eat a lot. And take your med on time. Now  here open up here's the train coming chooo choo" Xavier said as he feed the siren a sandwich. Bianca took a bit and cover her blushing face "you're embarrassing me babe" she laughed as she chew.

"Hey guys." Enid greeted them as she sat across them and Wednesday on her side. "How are you doing Bianca?" The goth girl asked and the siren just smiled "much better than last time. Thank you for asking Wednesday..and how about you Enid? I heard you were found fainted in front Weems' office. Are you alright?" She asked.  Enid scratched the bridge of her nose awkwardly "yeah... Caught myself high fever after I took a swim in the lake. But I'm doing fine after they gave me some medicine" she explained. The siren just nodded and smiled at her "I'm glad you're doing fine".

The first bell just rang, the four of them get ready for the fencing class . Both Enid and Bianca sat on the side as Coach Vlad aren't allowing them to practice yet until their full recovery. Both Kylie and Aelia ran inside the hall and greeted their coach "sorry we're late. We had some issue in our dorm" Aelia said as she catches her breath. Coach Vlad just sighed and told them to continue with their practice. Kylie then walked towards Enid "seems like you guys made it on time. Did you had enough sleep yet?" Enid chuckled as she tease the girl. Kylie just laughed it off "nope I didn't. My fault that I threw the pillow on her." She said as she sat next to the shewolf and the siren try to ditch the practice but Coach Vlad caught her "in your position Rosewood." He called sternly making the girl quickly get up.

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