new acquaintance?

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Kent walked back to his room with a wide smile on his face. When he entered the door, he noticed his roommate looks uneasy "I thought you're already asleep" he said as he closed the door. Ajax sighed and turn his head to look at him "you went to Ophelia earlier, did you saw Aelia?" He asked. Kent nodded as he jumped to lie on his own bed "she opened the door for me. Seems like she doesn't look fine to me when she went out" he  said.

"Did she told you or Kylie where she went?" The Gorgon asked but the Siren boy just shook his head as he get himself ready to sleep. Ajax just look at all his texts that he sent to Aelia.

🐍Babe pick up my calls please

🐍I didn't mean to pressure you out

🐍I love you Aelia

🐍please reply me back babe

He sighed and put his phone to the side. He went to sleep and hoped that everything will be fine like it used to between them.

Wednesday and Enid arrived safely to their room, the first thing that they noticed when they entered is the demigod is not on her own bed. They walked closer to Kylie's as the shewolf shook the sleeping girl by the shoulder a bit "Kylie.hey. where's Aelia?" She asked . But the girl just mumbled gibberish in her sleep. Wednesday rolled her eyes and then she called her loyal handman. Thing quickly tapped towards her "where's Aelia" she asked as she sat on the chair.

Thing then signed "She went out. Said that she want to get some fresh air." Wednesday then nodded as she thanked him with the info. Enid then walked towards her fiancé with a towel "I guess she's okay. I want to go take a shower" she said to the goth girl "wanna join?" She continued as she bit her lips teasing the goth girl. Wednesday blushed a bit "Enid. I will ravage you right away if that girl aren't here. So don't tease me" she stated in her monotone voice. The shewolf laughed at her as she went into the shower.
Aelia blew out her last puff of the last cigarette in the box. She just stared at the sky blankly "I wish you're here with me mom...I missed you" she said as she closed her eyes. "Students aren't supposed to be out. Especially on the roof" she quickly turned her back "who are you?" She asked as she stand in defence position. "Hey don't worry. I meant no harm. I'm Jazmine Robertson. You can call me Jazz" she stated. Aelia slowly drop her guards down but still cautious about that girl "I never seen you around before. Are you new?" She asked.

Jazz shook her head and laughed a bit "nope. I'm already my fourth year. You could say I'm your senior" she stated. Aelia quickly apologized to her  "I'm sorry. I didn't know" she said. Jazz extended her hand and smiled "it's okay. Now get back inside. It's getting chilly up here" she said as she demigod took her hand and climbed back through the window. She then slipped forward causing her to fall on the older girl "ow my back- oh shi- Jazz!" She quickly got up and helped the poor girl "I'm so sorry!" She said.  Jazz again laughed at her "hey hey it's cool. None of us are injure right?" She asked and the demigod nodded slowly.

They walked together side by side along the hallway. It was a dead silent walk between them "so, what brings you to be up there?" Jazz asked the demigod. Aelia thought for a second and sighed "just clearing my mind. What about you?" She asked as she looked over the girl. Jazz stopped and stared at her "to jump off the roof but you ruin my plan" she said as she left the demigod shocked and speechless. Jazz laughed so hard that tears started to come out "I'm just kidding! You should see your face right now." She said.

Aelia felt annoyed as she crossed her arms "" she emphasized her sentence one by one. Jazz quickly stopped laughing and look at her "damn. you're like the second person that scares me by calling my full name after my dad." She said "the roof was my smoking spot. I guess I need to find new spot" she continued her sentence. Aelia sighed slowly "no need. I'm only using it for tonight.sorry for invading your space" she said as she continue to walk and asked "so what kind of a freak are you?"

Jazz just stared at her and got her flustered "n-no I mean. What are you? What type of an outcast are you?"  She said frantically. The girl chuckled "chillax I understood you. I can talk with animals. One day I want to open my own vet clinic ,or if possible I would love to volunteer to help saving the animals around the world" she said. Aelia was stunned by the girl's enthusiasm and smiled at her "I'm sure you will achieve what you set for in your goals" she said then she noticed they're already close to part ways "it's nice knowing you Jazz. Oh- I'm" "I know I know you're Aelia the daughter of Apollo. Weems announced you to the whole school" Jazz cutted her words as she grin.

Jazz walked towards the other direction as she waved her hand. Aelia waved back and forgotten something "wait- I didn't get her number yet" she said to herself as she pat around her body to find her phone then facepalmed herself "you're such a genius Ael. You threw your phone already" she cursed and continue walked towards her room.
When she got closer , she opened the door slowly not trying to wake the others. Suddenly the shewolf opened her eyes slightly "Ael? Is that you?" She asked as she rubbed her eye. Aelia took off her hoodie as she hanged it "y-yeah I am. Sorry for waking you up. Just go to sleep okay?"she said and the shewolf continued her sleep.

Aelia sighed in relief as she got into her own bed and stared at the ceilings 'tomorrow I need to find my phone and find her' she thought to herself as she fell asleep.

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