payback's a bitch

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Yoko seems to get irritated by the new lovebirds flirting next to her in the car "have some respect will ya" she told them but Enid just sticks her tongue out mocking the vampire but Wednesday looked at Enid emotionlessly "that's not good thing to do Enid" She said in her usual monotone "well thank you Wednesday!" Yoko said as she thought she gets the win "we should cuddles till we get to the academy" the goth girl said as she pulled Enid in her arms and smirking at the Yoko "oh my god you guys are the worst" she said getting annoyed at them. She pulled out her phone and text her lover.


Babe.. they're torturing me. I want you badly. :'(

Aww you'll get it soon! xoxo ;)

Yoko keeps back her phone and just rest her head by the car door. Few minutes later they arrived by the gates, Enid wakes her up and tell her that they've arrived. They took out the bag and stuffs from the boot of the car and Yoko paid the Uber. "Thank you for the help Yoko. I really owe you" Enid said to her. Yoko looked at Wednesday "can you walk?" She asked concern about the goth girl. Wednesday took a few steps and she nodded. Both Yoko and Enid relieved and together they entered the academy area. They both parted their ways to their own rooms.

As Yoko entered the room she saw Divina already waits for her but she had serious look on her "babe? You good?" Yoko dropped her stuff and quickly ran towards her gf. Divina looked at her and hugged Yoko as she began to cries "I'm just worried about Kent. I've been calling him but he didn't pick up" Divina said as she's crying harder. Yoko was clueless,she doesn't know what to do. She pulled out her phone and try to call Kent. Nothing. Again she try. Nothing. She began to feel anxious,she dialled his number again and pray that he'll pick up this time "um hello? What is it Yoko?" He said as yawns at the end.

Yoko exhale her breath feeling relieved that he finally picked up the phone "you moron! Your sister been calling you since an hour ago! Talk to her" she scold Kent and passed her phone to Divina "don't ever do that to me Kent" she said as she's still sobbing. Kent felt bad that he made his sister worried and cry "I'm sorry Div. I spent all days playing video games. Didn't mean to ignore your calls" he explained to his twin. Divina told him that she just want to checks up on him. She also informed her about Bianca "I can't believe she would use me as puppet. You really need to clear up my name Div" Kent begged his sister. Few mins later Divina ended the call and turn around to see Yoko already fast asleep next to her. She smiled and peck a kiss on Yoko's lips. "goodnight my little bat" she said as she join the slumber.

At the same Enid support Wednesday on their way to the room "oh I forgot to tell you.we have a new roommate." Hearing that made both of the goth girl's brows twitched. Having Enid as roommate already a torture for her and having another might be the disaster. Enid just smiled at her and opened the door "what the heck is going on here" she said as she saw Aelia was dragging Ajax onto the bed "less talking more helping" she told the shewolf. Enid helped Aelia carry Ajax to her bed. The might be having supernatural strength but Ajax is sure heavy for them. They both catched their breath as the done with him "care to explain?" Enid asked "oh wait" she added as she almost forgot about Wednesday who already made her way to the dark gloomy side.

Enid walked towards Wednesday and dragged her slowly to Aelia's side "so both of you say hi to each other. Aelia , Wednesday. Wednesday,Aelia" the shewolf introduced them quickly. Both of them just glared at each others "I'm daughter of Addams" the goth girl said monotone. "Daughter of Apollo" Aelia said in serious tone. Enid is confused with the situation she's in 'omg please don't kill her Wends' she thought to herself. Wednesday pulled Enid away for a bit and whisper "I like her. She's a good nemesis for me" she said and that relieved the she wolf. They both walked back to Aelia and that girl is now smiling "you're right Enid. She's fun to be around. hope we get along well roomie"she said to Wednesday but the goth girl keeps her face emotionless.

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