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Yoko got out from secret library as she wiped her mouth "yuck... Why did I even bit him.." She said to herself. Divina who just came looked at her vampire girlfriend concernly "babe? Are you okay?" She asked as she put her hand on Yoko's shoulder.

The vampire brushed the siren's hand off her shoulder "yeah I'm good. I going back to our room" she said as she walked away. Divina just watched the girl and thought 'what's up with her?'

As Divina entered the library Ajax and Jazz are having their time taking turns torturing Apollo. Ajax turned his head towards the siren "Div! Yoko was just here tho" he said as he hit the man with the baseball bat.

Divina just watched them as she stood far away "yeah I saw her exit the place. By the way, when she was here, did something strange happened to her?" She asked.

Both Jazz and Ajax thought for a second and the girl found the answer "oh! When she beat the shit out of this fucker, she seems like to drawn on the blood flowing. She bit him but quickly spit it away and left. I guess his blood expired" Jazz said as she chuckled.

Divina fully understood now and decided to go to her room. Ajax just watched the siren confusedly "she's not taking part?" He said as he looked at Jazz who just lift her shoulders.

""Apollo begged as he already closed to his final lifeline. Jazz just smiled at him "with due respect, here's what you wished for" she swung the last hit towards the man as the head turned 360°
Wednesday and Kylie are both taking care of Aelia in their room. "Come on guys..I'm fine okay? No need to take care of me." Aelia said as she's been tucked onto her own bed.

"Don't be ridiculous. Even you have healing power, you're still weak to use it..your body still traumatized by the assault yesterday." Wednesday said as she walked towards her desk.

Kylie smiled at Aelia mischievously "boohoo you got lectured~ Now listen to papa or you'll get spank" she said as she chuckle. Suddenly a dagger flew right infront of her face making the girl's eyes widen in shock .

"You call me papa again, I swear the blade will go through your brain next time" Wednesday said emotionlessly as she started to type another chapter of her novel.

"You're meanie~ Enid would back me up if she's around .Right Ael?" Kylie said as she sat next to the girl on the bed. The demigod nodded as she hugged the bolster "yeah.. I missed her tho. She's our mama".

Wednesday stopped typing and turned her back "this weekend she'll be back. Lurch will send her. Let's make a warm welcome party for her return" she said. The two girls squealed in happiness and started to plan the party.

Divina entered her room as she opened the door slowly "babe??" she called Yoko and noticed the room are totally dark. She slowly walked inside and switch on the light. The brightness blinded her for a second.


She turned her back and face towards the bathroom as she just heard something fall from there "Yoko?? Are you okay in there?" She called as she moved herself slowly towards the bathroom.

She twisted the doorknob open. Surprisingly it's not locked and opened the door wide "GO AWAY!" Yoko yelled from the bathroom. Divina ignores her as she kept on closening "what's wrong babe? Talk to me..who knows I can help you?" She said.

Suddenly Yoko jumped onto her and pin her down to the floor "I've warned you Div!" She said as she shows her red eyes and fangs out. The siren's eyes widen as she can't move her body as if she had drown into Yoko's eyes.

Yoko moved her face closer towards the siren's neck and buried her fangs deep onto the skin. She never bit the siren that deep before. The blood tasted unusual for her and it's addictive. She kept on sucking and bit harder "Yo- nghh" Divina moaned in pain.

The siren started to feel lightheaded as her blood been sucked out. She used a bit of her strength to take off her amulet and siren song towards the vampire "stop it Yoko" she said. Immediately Yoko backed away and her eyes turned normal again. She quickly grabbed her glasses and wears it.

Slowly Divina get herself sit upright as she pressed her neck , preventing the blood to flow over. "Oh my goodness,Div! I'm sorry I dunno what's happening to me" Yoko said as she helped her girlfriend out from the bathroom and lie the siren to the bed.

Yoko quickly searched for emergency kit that she kept on the shelf. She then sat next to the siren "let me see your neck" she said to the siren who just obliged to her.

It caught her by surprised on how deep she buried her fangs on the poor siren "I'm so so deeply sorry. I dunno why I'm so thirsty for blood nowadays. It's gotten worst today" she said as she cleaned the wound and put on bandage on Divina's neck.

The siren just caressed her cheeks and smile "it's okay. if you still thirsty, I volunteer myself for you coz I'm the only one that can handle you" she said as she smirked making the vampire to blushed badly.
🐍: Sorry guys! the fun has ended.

Wednesday clenched her fist as she read the gorgon's text in the group "I didn't get to do anything to that old man of thirst for torturing is driving me crazy." she said towards the demigod.

Aelia just rolled her eyes "chillax Wends. I'll asked my granduncle Hades to let you torture him in hell, along with Esther if you want" the demigod said as she still on the bed.

Hearing that peeked the goth girl's interest. Kylie who was busy texting with Kent looked at Aelia "you're not feeling sad that your dad's dead now?" She said concernly. Aelia sighed slowly and closed her eyes "he was never a father to me" she said as slowly she fell asleep.

If Only You Knew (WENCLAIR)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora