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A week has passed, Enid was brought to Addams household. Gomez had put a special room for Enid's recovery. Morticia had been look after the shewolf for her daughter's behalf. Wednesday had gone to academy for the whole week.
The door was locked open and the goth girl entered the room. The roommates jumped excitedly "Yay the parents home!" Kylie cheered as she walked towards the goth girl.

Aelia noticed something is not right "Wednesday...where's Enid? What's wrong with your face?" She asked concernly.

Kylie's face had turned sour as she started to feel uneasy "What happened Wednesday?" She asked.

Wednesday slowly lifted her head towards them "help me Ael...please kill me" she begged as she grabbed the demigod's shirt.

Aelia backed away from her "are you crazy? I can't do that. You're my friend" she said.

Wednesday started to broke down as she sat on the floor "I just don't understand why does it so hard for us to be happy. Literally one of us almost in the brink of death when we started to feel happy. She would not be in that state if I didn't confess my love to her in the first place" she said irrationally as if she's losing her mind.

Both Aelia and Kylie knelt down and hugged her close in their arms. Wednesday hate being hug by them but deep down she knew that she needs it. She's not strong to face it alone.
"Wednesday's home!" Pugsley yelled as he welcomed his sister in "oh you brought your friends?? Are you guys the Nightshades?" He asked as he welcomed the others in.

Ajax sheepishly smiled at the boy "y-yeah we are" he said as he patted Pugsley head. Morticia who was busy cooking in the kitchen came to the front and greeted them "oh thank you for coming all the way from Nevermore. I hope the ride wasn't bumpy for you all. I did told the authority to fix the roads." She said as she smiled.

Xavier awkwardly laughed "no worries Mrs.Addams. we're all good." He said as he was freaked by the house decorations. Aelia punch him on the waist and glared at him before turn and smiled at the woman "thank you for letting us come to your house for the weekend Mrs.Addams." she said politely.

"We do love to have visitors come to our house. so treat yourself like its your own home." Gomez appeared behind them out of nowhere, shocking Yoko ,Divina and Kent as they felt like their souls already left their body. Gomez just laughed as he knew he pranked them good.

"Lurch,please help with the luggages and show these young boys and girls their rooms. And Pugsley please stop staring at that poor Gorgon" Gomez said as he facepalmed himself slowly.  Pugsley obeyed his father and apologized to Ajax "I'm sorry. Your snakes are just so cool" the boy said then follow his butler to help with the luggages. The boys from the Nightshades went to help as well.

"How's Enid mother? Did she talk to you or anyone yet lately?" Wednesday asked her mother. Morticia shook her head apologetically "no. she's been quite since the day we discharged her from the hospital. Maybe you should go and try talk to her" the mother said to her daughter.
"Go away!!! I don't want to see your face!!" Enid threw every objects that she can reach towards the goth girl.

Wednesday tried her best to get closer to the shewolf "Enid calm down! You're going hurt yourself!" She yelled as she got closer.

"Why didn't you just left me to die Wednesday?!! Why did you save me??!!!" She yelled as she forced herself to wolf out.

The doctor and nurses were frightened to get closer to their enrage patient.

Wednesday took the the syringe from one of the nurse and looked at the shewolf "sorry amore" she jabbed the syringe on Enid's neck.

Slowly the shewolf calmed down as she was high on the sedation "you lied to said nothing going to happen to" she said slowly as she fell asleep.

Wednesday look at her fiancé and hatred began to grew within herself. She blamed herself for being useless that night. She hates herself for not fulfilling her promises to her lover.
Wednesday opened the door slowly and look inside the room. The shewolf was lying on the bed facing the wall as if she doesn't want to see anyone.

The goth girl sighed as she gotten closer "hey amore...I'm here.." she said as she pulled the chair and sit next to bed. No respond was given by the shewolf.

"The Nightshades are here. They missed you." She said as she refrain herself from crying. She pinched herself hard on the thighs.

Wednesday look down as she stared on the floor "I missed you..." She whispered to herself slowly. "To be honest I-"

Knock! Knock!

"Um can we come in?" Bianca asked as she opened the door slightly. Wednesday turned her head to the side and nodded.

They all entered the room as they brought some gifts and get well soon balloon for the shewolf "Enid~ we missed you~" Kylie said as she hugged the shewolf.

Enid smiled and laughed at jokes given by her friends "did you wreck my room?" She asked the girl hugging her. Aelia chuckled a bit "she did and I'm the one cleaning the mess" she said teasing her roommate.

Wednesday felt pain in her chest. She left the room and went to backyard. She sat on the bench and stared the sky "why did she do that to me?" She said to herself as she take out her dagger and placed on her arm. She sighed as she stared at the healed scars on it.
"What's wrong babe?" Ajax asked his anxious girlfriend. Aelia looked at him "Kylie texted me. She said Wednesday had locked herself in the bathroom for an hour and half now" she said as she grabbed her stuff and runs back to Nevermore. "Babe wait!" Ajax quickly paid their drinks and exit Weathervane.

Few minutes later they arrived as the breath heavily, tired from all the runnings. The others were already gathered there as they took turns consoling the goth girl to come out. Kylie walked to her roommate "I'm worried that she's going to do something stupid in there" she said as she started to cry.

"Wednesday opened up! If you need someone to talk we're here for you. Maybe just one of us. Please come out" Kent said as he knocked the door.Ajax and Xavier looked at each other "we need to broke it down" the gorgon said to his bro. As they about to slam their body towards the door, click! The door is now opened.

All of them were shocked and Aelia quickly get closer towards the goth girl. Her arms are both bleeding from the cuts. she was emotionless. Her skin turned paler than usual. Few bones were now visible around her cheeks and chest. "What's wrong? You guys looks like you had seen ghost or something" Wednesday said as she dropped her dagger on the floor "darn hand slipped" she said as she picked it up.
"Wednesday?" The goth girl quickly put the dagger away and turned her back "yes Ael?" She said. The demigod walked towards her and smiled "your mother called. Dinner's ready" she said as she smiled.

The goth girl nodded and get herself up. She walk passed her roommate . The demigod noticed the dagger on the bench and decided to keep it "Hey wait up! Don't leave me alone" she called the goth girl as she chased after her.

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