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"psst psst" Enid call over the goth girl who seems to look her focus in the class. Wednesday turn her look to the side with "what?" look. Then Enid passed her a note "let's go find Tyler's master. I think it will help you forget about this morning" she read and smile to the shewolf. Thornhill saw those two flirting with each other "I love to see you youngsters have great time together but that doesn't mean you can flirt behind my back as I teach at the front" she said as she fix her glasses that slid down on he bride of her nose. The class laughs at them and that got both of them embarrassed. "Anyway, next week on Friday is the annual RaveN Dance. So girls and boys get ready with your plus 1 and have your great time that night! Oh and I will need volunteers for it.class dismissed" she said with a smile . Everyone were excited as they leave the class and some walked towards Thornhill for volunteering . Aelia looked at her boyfriend "OMG A dance night! Ohh I can't wait!" She said as she hug his arm snuggling onto him. He then saw both Enid wink at him as she  and Wednesday on their way to leave the greenhouse, "that's the signal, let's go" Ajax said to Aelia as they left the greenhouse.

Divina and Yoko was in their packing some stuff but the siren one is on the phone with her twin brother ."I can't believe this! Can't wait to see you soon Div." Kent excitedly talked to his twin that just informed him the good news "but...what about Bianca..did the school do anything to her?" He asked his sisters who just keep quite for few minutes "I understand now..well we just don't associate with her anymore. I'll talk to you later." Kent said as he hang up the phone . Divina sighed as she started to get headache thinking about it. Yoko hugged her from behind "let's go. The others are waiting" she said to Divina who nodded as she grabbed the box beside her.

Both Enid and Wednesday are now in the woods "so, how did you found out Tyler's mum a Hyde?" The shewolf asked. Wednesday who was looking around for possible evidence on the ground "Thing took some documents at Sheriff's house.some medical records and his mum's student profile." She said as she stretched herself up. "But that kind of absurd for you to claimed he is a Hyde because his mother is. I mean we never see him leave the the café.maybe he really is a normie." she said to the goth girl. Enid got the point , Wednesday hate acknowledging someone's right. She just kept quite as they keeps walking further in the woods. "Wednesday. Look" Enid pulled the goth girl's blazer and point to the cave . As they walked closer ,a car coming from the other side. Both of them hides behind the tree and watched someone in black hoodie coming out from the car. They couldn't see the face of that person because of the hood.  That person was kind of putting some sort of black substances something on the ground around the cave then lit up the Molotov cocktail into the cave. Wednesday quickly pull Enid away running from the impact  BOOM! As Wednesday turned around, the mystery person was nowhere to be found.

"Amore, are you okay??" The goth girl asked as she checking every parts of the shewolf body. "Y-Yeah I think so. Can we go now,please?" Enid said as her body still shakes of being shocked.Wednesday nodded and helped her lover up. They both quickly go back to the academy before it's dark. As they entered their room POP! POP! Confetti rain over the goth girl, as the light lit up the room all her friends? Sang happy birthday song to her. She only show her usual deadpan face until the song ended. "Yayyyyy...ay..ay." Aelia slowly kept quite as the atmosphere gets awkward. Wednesday looked around and noticed Thing hiding behind Ajax who were holding the cake "I should've known you behind this? What part of "no party under the penalty of death" that you don't understand?" The goth girl said as she's glaring at him. "Wends , love. Please don't be mad at Thing, I'm the one planning this surprise with the help of the others. Do you not like it??" Enid said as she saddened a bit. Wednesday just scratch between her nose and look at her lover "I..I love it" she said under he breath feeling shy because the others were looking at her. "Just cut the damn cake Addams" Yoko said to her  jokingly. They all drinks, eat and laugh together for the rest of the night. Then it's time for the birthday girl to open her presents. "Oh oh please take this first, Wends" Enid said as she passed the present. Wednesday open it neatly and as she saw the content inside ,her eyes widen "Enid! This- this is-" she lost her words as she's so happy with the present. Enid could only chuckled at the goth gir's behaviour " yeah yeah. Last time you want it but you're out off budget. Don't even ask me how I got it. Just enjoy your tortured squirrel my love" she said as she kissed Wednesday. The others 'wuuu' at them but stopped when the goth girl's glared at them.

"Me next!" Aelia said as she passed her present to Wednesday and the goth girl open it, it's a charm bracelet. "I hope you like it, I even choose with your signature skull, knife, cuffs and uhh... ahh! you just go through the box later. I bought bunch for you" she said as she smile. Then Wednesday continue to open another one. This time she took the black box that next to her but Divina stopped her "that's special from us but you might want to open in private." She said as she glanced over her partner who's laughing. Wednesday doesn't know what they meant and put the box to the side and look at Ajax "are you looking at me?" The gorgon said to the birthday girl but she just stared him "ugh fine here." He said as he passed her an old vinyl record "Aelia said you always put on old classical music when you're working on your novel. So I think you might like it" he said to her. "Thank you . I really appreciate this" she thanked him. Suddenly someone knocked on the door "you guys just have fun I'll get the door" Wednesday walked towards the door. As she opened it, she saw Xavier. She leaned herself against the door frame "why didn't you stay with your siren girlfriend?" Wednesday said mocking him. Xavier just sighed and gave her a present "even if I stay by her side , doesn't mean I need to distance myself from you. Just give her another chance will ya? And happy birthday Wednesday" he said as he walked away. She opened the present and surprised. It's a phone. She keep the phone on her desk and join back the group.

They party for hours and hours until one by one go back to their room. Divina whose dragging the goth girl take their leave first. "Ajax wake up~ you can't sleep here. Ms.Thornhilll will kill me if she know i sneaked you here" Aelia said as she's shaking the Gorgon's body who had already sleep like a log. "Just let him sleep . Tomorrow morning before the sunrise, you need to wake him up." Wednesday said to her roommate as she's cleaning the room. Enid helped her out by taking out the trash and then came back to the room "that's all I guess. We should all go to sleep. It's already late" she said as she switched off the light. She saw the goth girl already lay on her bed "you're sleeping here Wends" she asked and the goth girl nodded. Enid get onto the bed and lay next to Wednesday. They're now facing each others "thank you for the surprise amore. But please no confetti. If you still want to do it ,make sure it's in black" the goth girl said as she bury her face on the shewolf's chest. Enid smiled and kiss the goth girl on the head then slowly the both drift away into their slumber.

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