no worries

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It's been 3 weeks since Wednesday proposed to her roommate, Enid who then became her girlfriend and now her fiancé. It was the happiest moment for the goth girl but something about herself that she thought might triggered the relationship.She don't understand people's emotions.Lately seeing the others being in their happy relationship made her wonder if she's ever give Enid enough attention or not. The ways she expressed her feelings to the shewolf are different from what others did. She just wished she could feel more emotions and pain.

She also overthinking a lot lately, especially when it comes about her mother. She wasn't sure if her mother support her relationship with Enid. The last time the goth girl talked with her mother, she was frightened for the first time. "I want a name" that was her mother's last word before she quickly ended the call last time. She can't keep Enid a secret from her mother because eventually the woman would find out.

"Wednesday love what are you thinking about there?" Enid said as she hugged the girl from behind. The goth girl was trying to type new chapter for her novel. She's having hard thinking about the plots (yeah same goes for me:')

The goth girl turned to look at Enid "amore...are you happy?" The shewolf tilted her head trying to understand the goth girls' question. "I mean are you happy being with me? Did I make you happy?" She said as she stuttered her own words. Enid smiled softly at the her fiancé, she then sat on the goth girl's lap as she wrapped her arms around the goth girl "of course I'm happy with you. Everyday I wake up seeing you next to me, butterflies fluttering in me. I'm blessed to have you in my life" she said as she moved her face closer. Wednesday closed the gap between them with a passionate kiss.

"HEYAA GUYS! We're going to- OH! shit sorry!" their roommate, Kylie barged in the closed the door again and stood outside of the room. Wednesday annoyed because of the sudden interruption , Enid chuckled as she caressed the goth girl's cheek slowly. She walked towards the door and opened it "sorry about that. So what is it Kylie?" She asked as she leaned on the door frame. "Um we're going to the funfair tonight. So we thought you might want to go. Do you?" Kylie asked. Enid turned her back to look at Wednesday whose busy on her typewriter then look back at her roommate "um who else going?" The shewolf asked again. "Yoko,Divina,Kent,me obviously, Aelia,Ajax,Xavier and Bianca" Kylie answered full. Enid was excited "oh my gosh is this group date??! I wanna go but um I'm sorry. I guess next time" she said with a soft smile. Kylie nodded and waved to her as she walked away.

Enid closed the door and then walked back towards the gloomy side of the room and lay on the bed. "Why aren't you going with them?" Wednesday asked as she still focus on her novel. Enid sat herself on the bed as she on of her plushie "I know you doesn't like crowded place and I don't want to enjoy and left you alone here." Enid said as rest her head against the plushie. Wednesday suddenly felt like she held her fiancé like a prisoner of her own comfort. She knew that it's wrong for her to do that ,even she did not asked Enid to do it, the shewolf already understand her. Wednesday stopped typing and walked towards her fiancé and sat next to her "just go and enjoy your time with your friends. I'm okay here. Plus I have Thing if I ever need help." She said as smile creeps on her pale face.

Enid jumped in excitement and hugged the goth girl "Thank you love! I promised to bring home cotton candy for you." The shewolf said as she quickly change her clothes and apply simple make up "I'll go now Wends love you!" Enid waved her hand as she went out. Wednesday watched her fiancé happily go out with her friends from the balcony and sighed slowly as she walked back to her room.

Thing then came towards his master "Morticia have been trying to call you for quite some times now. You better call her back." The hand signed as he tapped angrily. Wednesday rolled her eyes and then uncover the crystal ball. She really hoped her father would answered the call , unfortunately her mother did "There you are. We had unfinished conversation, remember?" Morticia said as she crossed her arms ,gotten angry at her daughter. "I was kinda hurry for class that day and been busy with schools and extracting honey with Eugene" she lied half of it. Morticia didn't really bought it ,all she wanna know is about the person who already changed her daughter "I want the name, my dear daughter" Morticia continued to ask again the same thing she asked on last call.

The goth girl was contemplated for a moment 'screw this' she thought as she took a deep breath and exhale slowly "I'm engaged to Enid Sinclair.I  love her with all my heart,body and soul. If you opposed our relationship, I'm sorry mother, with or without your blessing...I still want to be with her" Wednesday said as she showed the ring on her finger and moved her hand away. She then noticed Pugsley and her father, Gomez was crying at the back ,same goes for Morticia "who said I'm opposing? I just want to know who have have stole my daughter's heart. I'm your mother not a monster. I don't mind who you choose to be in love with. As long as they make you happy, that's enough for me." Her mother said as she hug her husband "I'm very proud of you my little storm cloud. Love is love. No one can say your love is untrue."Gomez said as wiped his tears.

The unbearable worries she carried on her shoulder for weeks have gone as she finally take a relief breath. She's thankful for having such supportive family "thank you mother
Thank you father." She said as she tried her best not to cry in front of them. "Where is she my dear? I want to talk to her" her mother said asking about Enid. "She's out with our friends." She answered. Both her parents just smiled happily "well I guess we just meet her on Parent's Day next week." Gomez said. Wednesday nodded and then ended the call with her parents after bid her goodbye to them.

Thing on her side of the desk tapped happily "this is great! Your parents are supportive for you two"he signed. Wednesday couldn't stop smiling to herself. She need to inform Enid about this. She take out her phone and call her fiancé, suddenly she heart the usual K-pop ringtone under the pillow on her bed. She sighed and took it, the shewolf left her phone "what a clumsy dog." She chuckled as she saw the lock screen of them kissing for the first time "hm? I didn't remember we took picture of this" she then looked at Thing who already tapped away.

She look at her own phone and her wallpaper was them both hospitalised together after saving the school. It was their second day at the hospital.

"Wends~ since you got a phone,why not you take first picture of us? Or did you already take pic with someone else?" Enid asked as she scooted closer to the goth. Wednesday just obliged to her girlfriend and let whatever her love want to do as she gave her phone to the shewolf. "Say cheese!" Enid said as she turned to kiss on the lips who surprised by it. Enid just chuckled and look at the picture "omg this is so cute!"

Too much happening that night and it's a great memorable for her ,that's why she chose that picture as wallpaper.

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