Dun dun dunnnn~

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The shewolf opened her eyes just to see her in an empty space. She look around to find the voice calling her "h-hello?"


Enid turned her back and saw her mother. Her face changed as she claws out being defensive "Esther..!" she said as she growls.

"You look different now. How are you doing?"

"Stop acting like you care about me coz the last time that I remembered,you fucking let me mated with bunch of werewolves. I almost die that night" She said angrily.

Esther looked away not dare to look her daughter in the eyes.

"Why are you looking away? Aren't you proud now 'mother'? You made me stronger in a very fucked up parenting" she scoffed almost choke on tears slowly broke down.

"I know that nothing I could do to turn back the times or even ask you to forgive me."

She lifted her heads up and look at her mother "Why mother? Why are you even here. I mean you're dead. I know but why are you still haunting me?" She asked as tears started to flow.

"Enid... you've grown up to be strong woman now. I just wanted to see you for the last time before I'm gone for eternity."

Enid hugged her mother tightly as she cried out loud "I really miss you. I miss father and others a lot. I know what you did to me is unforgivable but I really wished you would change and be my mother. I want you to look at me. Hug me. And say you're proud of me"

Esther hugged her back but something grab her by the shoulder "Esther. Your time is up". She slowly pushed Enid off her as she gets up.

"I am proud of you. Goodbye"

"No! Mother! Don't go yet! Wait!!" She chased after the woman who slowly taken into the light.


"Wait for me!"




The shewolf opened her eyes as she gets up ,breathing heavily. She found that she still on the bed in her room. She look at Aelia who looks worried at her "Enid are you okay?" She asked.


The sound of the door unlocked. Wednesday entered the room with a confusion on her face "what's going on here? Amore?" She asked as she walked closer putting her gardening tools aside.

"I was doing my daily workout routines here then got distracted with Enid's talking in her sleep. Crying then calling out for her mother" Aelia explained.

Wednesday's face changed as she sat next to the shewolf "what did Esther want? Is she coming back?" She asked concerning about her lover's safety more than hers.

"No...she said she's gone for good now. And ..." she paused as she look at the goth girl. "..she said she's proud of me. She is proud of me Wends... m- my mother is" she started to cry as she hug Wednesday.

"i-is proud of me" she finished her sentence. Wednesday didn't say anything and comfort her lover.
"Oh my love~ I can't believe it's happening" Morticia said as she leaned her head on her husband's shoulder while holding his hands.

Gomez chuckled as he rubbed his thumb on her hand slowly "I'm proud of that little scorpion of ours. In such a young age, she shows that love really drives someone crazy."

"Like us?" Morticia asked.

Gomez look at her passionately "Like us" he said then pulled her into deep kiss.

Lurch positioned the back mirror the other way as he grunts slowly under his breath.
"A bit to the left. More. M- gosh! Come down!" Kylie scoffed as she gets closer to the ladder.

Ajax come down slowly "geez Kent... your girlfriend going to age faster than you if she keeps getting mad like that" the gorgon chuckles as he go get his drink.

Kent put his stuff on the floor and walked to his girlfriend "babe what's wrong? Are you on that time of the month?"

Kylie keeps quite and pouted "...yeah" she said slowly.

The sirenboy stretches her cheeks slightly and smile "okay let finish this quickly then we'll go get nuggies. How 'bout that?" He said.

The girl smiled ear to ear and call the gorgon "AJAX! come back here. We need to finish this fast!"

The gorgon almost choke on his water hearing her high pitched annoying voice "okay boss!"
"Are you feeling okay now?" Wednesday asked as she stroked Enid's back slowly.

The shewolf nodded and pulled her closer "where did you go earlier? And what's with the gardening tools?" She asked curiously.

Wednesday thought for a second as she doesn't want to blew up her plan "i went to help Eugene with his punishment" she said.

"Ah I see..then you need to take a shower. You smells like cemetery." She said as she pushed her off the bed jokingly.

Wednesday laughed and obliged to her lover. Enid watched her go and slumped herself to the bed. Suddenly her eyes widen 'wait! Cemetery?' She thought to herself.

She got up and look at the bathroom side 'did she lied straight to my face just now? Is she's hiding something from me?' She thought.

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