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Eugene finally awaken, he looked around and figures that he's been taken to the hospital. He let out a long sigh and slowly gets up. He felt something holding onto his hand.

He is surprised to see Mya sleeping by his side as she sat on the chair. "Good grief this girl..." he said slowly and cover the blanket over her back.

He quietly go out from the room as he doesn't want to wake the kitsune. He then proceeds to the toilet nearby.

Mya wakes up not long after that, she began to panic as the beeboy is not on his bed. She ran to the registration desk "help~! My friend had gone missin~g! I- I~~-!"

"Ms! I need you to relax. Maybe your friend goes to the toilet or grab something to eat. He still around I'm sure" the clerk said.

She obliged and wait for him in his room. 10 minutes have passed and she began to anxious. She felt like calling the cops to find him.

"Mya? Are you okay? Why do you look anxious?" Eugene asked while holding on two cups of hot chocolate.

Mya felt relieved and happy to see the Eugene already awakes as she ran towards him but he stopped her "I don't want two of us to be admit in the hospital for first degree burn. This things are hella hot" he said.

They began to talk as they enjoy the hot chocolates. Mya told him that he's been unconscious about 3 days and that makes the beeboy choke on his drink.

He cough slowly and look at him shock "i was out for 3 days? Who's taking care the bees??!" He asked.

"I get the others to help~. Don't worry, they frequently keeps me updated, see~?" She said as she show him the updates on her phone.

"I see.. that's nice of them. Oh and how is Ni-"

"He's dead~...when I try to save you. I pushed him over the trees but one of the branches cut through him~." Mya cuts him as she start telling him what happened that day.

Her hands trembles as she hold tight onto the cup "I carried you both to the hospital as fast as I can but~ he's losing so much blood and the wounds are too bad for doctor to treat~. I'm sorry...if only I-"

Eugene hold her hands and take the cup away "it's just an accident. You didn't mean it. It wasn't your fault...thank you for saving me...I'm sure he understands too. It was just a bad day for three of us" he said as he smile weakly.

'Why... why are you forcing yourself to smile like that..I know you're hurting' she thought. She then look at him seriously "i know you still love him Eugene~.. don't force yourself to think everything's fine ~ I'm here for you" she said.

Slowly his tears start come out and he hold onto his cries "I-I did love him tho. But I didn't thought I would lost him this fast. It's just devastating" he said as he wipes his tears.

Mya can't stand looking at him like that. Out off the blue she moves closer and kiss him softly on the lips. The beeboy's eyes widen as he felt her lips on his.

The kitsune pulls away as she look at him "Eugene...i never plan my confession to go like this but I love you. I love love love you very much that I would risk my life for you" she said sincerely.

Eugene blush and couldn't think of anything "M-Mya. I- I'm" he stuttered.

"You don't need to answer my feelings now. Just focus on your recovery. I'll wait!" she said.

She got up and grabbed her stuff "since you're awake. I think i should go back to Nevemore first. I rang your moms that you're awake. Bye!" She said as she leave.

'Kyaaaaa~Omg i kiss him! I kiss him!! Shit! The curse also gone! Yeeesssz!!!' Mya thought wildly as she unconsciously run to the academy.

The beeboy touched his lips and smile "she's bold..." he said to himself.

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