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Wednesday and Enid walked together to class and feels the whole class were staring at them. Aelia walked towards them with concern look "are you guys okay? What's with the snood? You guys catch cold??" She asked as she were worried for her roommate but before they could answer Yoko walked towards them "they're fine.just tired doing stuff..right Enid? I do hope you love the present Wednesday" Yoko teased both of them and ran away slowly back to Divina after the goth girl glares at her. Aelia thoughts for a second and then she understands.She walked back to her desk with Ajax "what's wrong? Why are your face is red? Are you sick too?" He asked the girl. Aelia keeps and just told him nothing.

Usually Wednesday would want to sit at the front because she's small and couldn't see the board well as the person in front of her would block her view but she chose to sit at the back "let's go sit there. I don't feel like focusing in the class" she said as she pulled Enid to the back. Next to them is Xavier and Bianca. Enid smiled at Xavier but rolled her eyes at the siren. "It's okay. Give some time" he comforts her as he touched her hand. Then the teacher entered and the class started but the Addams close her eyes slowly "So class today bla bla bla.."


Wednesday fell asleep but someone reaching her out through her dream.

"Wednesday wake up"

She opened her eyes and she saw her? But unpleasantly in opposite color of her. "Who are you?" She asked

"I'm Goody Addams. I'm here to warn you that times running out. He will be free and you're the key"

She was puzzled "oh okay thank you for the short notice but whose going to be free and key for what?" Before she could get her answer the girl disappeared out of the blue.

"Love wake up!"

She recognised the voice, it's Enid's.


She try to wake up but she's stuck in the dream "Damn it. What's happening?!" She turned around and shocked by the man wearing like a pilgrim standing in front of her now. Before she could run,the man grabbed her by the neck "I GOT YOU NOW GOODY!" and 'stabbed' her.


She woke up in panic. sweats on her forehead. Heavy breathing. She had a bad dream but it feels  surreal. She could feel the sting on her chest. She looked around and saw everyone looks worry about her. "Ms.Addams are you okay?" The teacher asked her as she walked slowly towards her student. Wednesday just nodded but she don't feel good either "may I go to the infirmary? Please." She asked her teacher. "You may. Aelia stopped flirting with Mr.Petropolus and walked Ms.Addams to the infirmary." The teacher said to the girl who's smiling sheepishly. Enid watched her girlfriend walked out from the class worriedly "don't worry Enid. I'll watch her for you." Aelia said to her as she exit the class.

Aelia ran after Wednesday as the goth girl was leaving the other girl behind "Wednesday wait up. how can you walk so fast?" She said eventually catched up. Wednesday just ignore and walked near the academy entrance hall "um I think you missed the infirmary" Aelia said but keep following the goth girl."where are we going?"she asked. Wednesday turned her head towards Aelia, "can you order the Uber ? I want to go to town." She asked. "Um sure but I'm coming with you" Aelia said as she take out her phone. Few minutes later the car arrived.

As they arrived, Wednesday and Aelia went to Weathervane. "So what are we exactly skip class for?" Aelia asked Wednesday as she call someone to take their order . Wednesday sighed and take out the phone Xavier got her. "Omg! You have a phone now??! When did you get it?" Aelia said excitedly. "Xavier got it for my birthday. But I dunno how to use it yet. But first of all I need Enid's phone number." She said as she take out the manual for the phone "I've read but it's too complicated to understand" she continued. Aelia take out her phone and and saved all the contacts of their friends in the goth girl's phone "all set up." She said as she as she gave Wednesday her phone back. Suddenly Tyler came towards them "oh my Wednesday. I didn't expect you could skip classes. And who is this?" He said as he turned to look at Aelia, but the girl felt something uneasy about that guy. She just keeps quite and pretending to go through her phone. "What happened to your head?" The goth girl asked. Tyler laughed awkwardly as he touched the big cut on his head "this? I fell off the bike and hit the rock. But no worries. It's healing now" he said but the goth girl is too smart for him to lie to. He took their orders and go back to his work. Wednesday noticed Aelia felt uneasy when Tyler's around "Aelia are you okay? You look kind of scared of Tyler." She said . Aelia out her phone down and look at Wednesday "you said last time Tyler is the Hyde." She stated. Wednesday thought for a second "yeah I did. But Enid said I'm just being absurd of accusing being the Hyde." She said. Aelia shook her head "no no. I'm 100% sure he is the Hyde. Because that night when me and Ajax were attacked, I did hit that thing hard on the head. That scar isn't from falling of the bike" she said anxiously. Wednesday can see how scared Aelia is right now and decided to leave the place.

They went back to Nevermore but Thornhill stopped them at the gate who's already waits for them "I was told that you young girls are skipping class. To Principal's office now." She ordered them. "Lying to your teachers and skipped's unforgivable act." Weems said angrily. Wednesday rolled her eyes "yeah says someone that cover up about Rowan and let Bianca free" she said and that got the older woman mad "don't you talk to me like that young woman. I'm the headmaster of this school. I rules this place" she said as she slammed her hand on the desk. Aelia shocked by the angry woman "um Principal Weems please don't be mad at Wednesday. We're just figuring out the culprit that's killing people around. It's a Hyde and we know who is it" she said ..Weems face changed when she heard the Hyde and the goth girl notice it "you knew. Why didn't you said anything about the Hyde? Are youq okay getting your students killed?" She said pushing Weems to her limits "if I go tell the authority about this , for sure they will burn this place to the ground. I don't even want the same history to happen. Not my Nevermore" she said as she sat down to her chair.

"What do you mean again? When was the first one ? where?" Wednesday asked . Weems was hesitant to tell her. "Fine. I'll find it out, myself." The goth girl said as she walked out from the office. "sorry for the trouble Mrs.Weems" Aelia bow before she leave the room and chase after her roommate "Wednesday where are you going??" Aelia said as she grabbed her hand. Wednesday pushed her hand off hers "watch it Aelia." She said sternly as she turn away to walk way. Aelia look down as she apologize "Wednesday I'm so-" she felt something hit her from behind and fell to the ground. Before Wednesday could turn someone cover her nose and mouth "sleep tight" the person said as Wednesday slowly fainted.

It was dark. Her eyes were covered with cloth. Her head was till dizzy from the smell of the substance that made her fainted. Suddenly she remembered about her roommate "AELIA! AELIA! ARE YOU HERE?! PLEASE ANSWER ME?!" she heard none."who is that?! Where's Aelia? If I'm the one that you seek, please let her go safely." She said as she tried to release herself. They cuffed her hanged to from the above. "Oh shut up will you?" The person said as she take off the blind. Wednesday was utterly shocked by Ms.Thornhill who is standing in front of her. "Surprised? Me too. I thought I would kill you after the RaveN Dance guess that I'm being impatient" she said as she laughed at Wednesday. "And About Aelia? You no need to worry. She's 'sleeping' over there. I hit her pretty bad. Haven't work out in awhile but well. Sorry I guess? But she is alive . Dead? Soon." She said as she smirked pointing at Aelia. Wednesday eyes widen seeing roommate lying on the ground and the glared back at Thornhill "you're monster!" She yelled at the older woman but slapped on her face. "No I'm not! I'm just taking what's mine. And with the help of Lord Joseph Crackstone. All of your kind will vanished once and for all!" She said.

"Master. Everything's ready." Tyler came out of nowhere as he kneel down over Thornhill. The older woman smile and caressed him by the cheek as he stands "good work honey. Now wait for me by the lake" the older woman said. As Tyler turned his back ,he looked at Wednesday "you look better chained" he said with a smirk . Wednesday spit on him feeling disgusted "at least I didn't whine like a child" Wednesday mocked him and that made him mad. He walked passed her as he bumped her by the shoulder. "I must admit. I'm very impressed with Goody, your ancestors. She had a lots of useful spells and magic for me to use for my own needs and benefits" she said as she show the Book of Shadows. Wednesday was shock to see it "that book is not for evil use. You normie shouldn't have it." She said .

Thornhill just laughed maniacally "oh nonsense." She then out all jars of different organ into its position. Wednesday figured out it's the missing parts of the victims killed by Tyler "if you hate the outcast so much why did you kill normie too?" She asked . Thornhill turn her head and walked towards Wednesday "it's gonna be obvious and suspected I'm still alive. Plus my family is the most devoted follower of Lord Joseph Crackstone for centuries. I'm gonna be my family successor" she smiled and dragged her towards the Crackstone's tomb. Thornhill cut through her hands and placed on the tomb. The blood from Wednesday's activated the tomb as Thornhill proceeds to recite the spells from the book "REVIVE MY DEAR LORD! REVIVE! Thornhill called maniacally. Suddenly a dead yet alive man appear in front of them "who dares to call me?!" He said. Thornhill bow to him and smiled at him "it is me Laurel Gates.Your loyal devoted follower, at your service." She said as she kissed his hand. "We don't have much time my Lord. We must wipe out all the freaks and outcast tonight!" She said . Wednesday slowly took her knife from her ankle and rushed towards Crackstone but the dead man stopped her "Goody Addams! You've sent me to hell. Now it's your turn to be tortured in the pit of fire in hell!" He said and he stabbed her fatally on her abdomen causing her to slowly fall on the ground. "Thank you for the help and happy dying Wednesday" Thornhill laughed and follow her Lord.

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