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Xavier was feeling restless, he can't sleep. He keeps turning his body from side to side. Something bothering him. 'why can't I ignore her? She's nothing but a fraud' he thought to himself. He gets up and walked over his desk to find his phone. There's picture of him with the siren that he put as wallpaper 'damn it..' he put the phone in his pants and grab his hoodie as he walked out from his room.

"Fuck them..agh!" Bianca struggles trying to free herself. She began to cry knowing that her dreams are all falling apart. All she ever want is to be free from her mother's grasp. That's the reason she's being pushing herself to the limit. "You might get yourself dehydrate from those crying" she turned her head and saw Xavier came back to the library.He walked towards her and give her some water that he brought with him. She quickly sips through the straw. She indeed is thirsty. Xavier grabbed another chair and sat infront of her "you only have two minutes to explain about you and Lucas" he asked. Bianca kind of puzzle on his behaviour "are you jealous?" She asked still full of herself. He slapped her on the face "I'm the one asking here. Now answer me" he demanded and that scared the siren for the first time.

She never thought he could raised his hand on her. "I-I only use him for money, nothing more than that" she explained. Xavier not satisfied with the answer "why didn't you just siren song on him? And out of all people why him??! You know I hate that guy along his dumb friends" he said as he threw the chair across the room as he started to get angry. Bianca eyes widen ,she never see this side of him. All he ever showed her is the loving,caring and sweet side of him towards her "baby..calm do-ahk" before she could finish , Xavier choked her with his two hands "don't you ever call me that again!! We're through remember??!!" He said raising his voice at her. The siren is grasping for air ,he's actually going to kill her in that state "Xav..ier p-please. you're k-killing m-me" she begged as she's starting to lose her consciousness. Xavier let go of her and punched on the wall letting out his angriness and frustration. Bianca coughed hard as she try to breath again.

Xavier then untie her from the chair "you're coming with me" he tied her hand and use the tape inside the library and seal over her mouth. He carried her on his shoulder and sneaked her out from the library to his room. He gently placed the siren on his bed. Only terrors can be seen in her eyes. She's scared of Xavier now. She doesn't understand what's going on inside his mind. Xavier took a deep breath try to calm him down. He put on mellow music to make him calmer. He then slowly take off the tape "I'm sorry , I'm sorry" he keeps saying sorry as he untie her. He even apply medicine on the rope marks on her wrists. And some on her neck. Bianca still puzzled by this. She's unsure whether she should be comfort or scared right now as Xavier being the sweet side that she loves. "I'm sorry that I slapped you earlier. I was angry at you" he said as he kissed on her cheek that he slapped. "I.. I " Bianca want to say something but she's scared "shh..don't say anything. You must be tired, right?" He said as he pulled her to the bed and wrapped his arm around her. Tears began to fall on his cheek as he felt guilty from hurting her "it's my fault that you became like this. I didn't care about your feelings. I'm the one who should take the blame." He said and that made the siren in tears too. Slowly they both fell asleep. None of them want this to end.

The next day Wednesday woke up early and helped Eugene extracting the honey. Eugene walked towards the goth girl and gave her a small jar of honey "reward for you" he said with his quirky smile. Enid took it and gently holds it "Thank you Eugene" she said as she walked away from there. She brought Enid's phone with her as she's now on her way to Principal Weems' office "oh Wednesday. What can I do for you this early in the morning? She asked as she puts away her works to the side. "You need to enroll Kent back to school. Bianca that you should expel" she said as she plays the recording of Bianca's confessions and make out video with Lucas. The older woman   had a furious and panic look on her face "other people cannot know about this. especially media. We need to to get rid of th-" she said even try to grab the phone but Wednesday snatch it away "why didn't you told Sheriff the the truth about Rowan? He really did die isn't he?? The one I saw 'alive' is you. You're a shapeshifter." She said with a smirk on her face. The older woman poured herself a drink that she kept inside the drawer to calm herself "please Wednesday. I just want the best for the school. Rowan's dad agreed to cover up the incident as he also want to keep his good image." She explained "I will enroll Kent back but I can't expel Bianca. It will create a huge gossip.and I hate Nevermore stained with scandalous rumors." She said as taking few sips of her drink.

"Unbelievable" Wednesday said as she felt dissatisfied by the reason. She exit the office a go back to her room. Both Enid and Aelia looked at the goth girl who just sat herself on the bed. "Hey you okay, love? Kent going to be back? Did we manage to get rid of Bianca?" The shewolf asked as she sat next to her. Wednesday sighed "no. yes. no" she answered shortly. Enid was happy about Kent but then angry "what?! Why?? Aren't this proof enough to get her expelled?" She said as she slumped her back on the bed. "Weems too busy taking care of school's images" she said. Aelia thoughts for a second "I'm kind of agree with Principal , I mean Nevermore is the only school to educates us the outcast freaks and monsters,so wonder she willing to protect at all costs. About Kent ,I don't think other students know the real truth of him being expelled, they only know that he's slow in his classes" she said her roommates. Bzzt bzzt Aelia's phone vibrates on the table. She took it and her eyes widen "guys, Ajax texted me. He said Bianca is gone. She's not in the library." She said those two lovers.

They all along with Yoko and Divina ran towards the Nightshades library. They snapped their fingers twice in sync 'omg this is so cool' both Enid and Aelia thought. "Did you see anyone coming here?" The goth girl asked the gorgon but he shook his head, no. She noticed there's broken chair across the room and punching marks on the wall. She walked towards it and electric-like shock runs over her body making her to fall back "Wends!" Enid ran after her, luckily managed to held her in time.Few visions crossed her mind. Few minutes later she came back to her consciousness, they were surrounding her with worrying look "where's Xavier" she asked . "I texted him but he haven't even seen it yet" Ajax said as he shows the text. Wednesday gets up and walked out from the library. Everyone follows her until they arrived in front of Xavier's room. "Xavier opened up!" The goth girl called as she keeps knocking the door. The others was confused on what's going on.

Both Xavier and Bianca who were still sleeping, startled by the loud knocking on the door. The siren looked at him worriedly at "just stay here. I'll talk to them" Xavier said to her as he gets up and walked towards the door "what's up?" He asked the goth girl as he look down. "Where is she Xavier? What did you do to her?" The goth girl asked him back. He kept silent for a few moments to think for an excuse , Wednesday see through him "she's inside. Ajax hold him" Ajax obliged to the goth girl "DON'T HURT HER!" Xavier yelled try to lose himself from gorgon's grip. Bianca once again trapped by them "I'm not gonna hurt her.yet" the goth girl said to him. "What the hell is going on Wednesday? What did Weems said? And why the hell she's in your room Xavier??" Yoko asked as she look at both of them. Aelia felt sorry for Xavier and told Ajax to let him go "he's protecting her. He loves her . Right Xavvy?" She said as she glanced over him . Xavier kept quite not to say anything, quickly pulled Bianca in his arms " just stop it okay. She did all those because of me too. I'm too busy chasing over you and that drives her nuts. If you're going to hurt her,walk over my dead body" Xavier said with serious look. "Haih...this is getting complicated" Yoko said as she scratches the back of her head.

"Weems said Kent will enroll back to academy but" Wednesday stopped for a second. Divina was happy hearing the first sentences "Weems won't expel her" she said. Divina could feel her anger to start "WHAT?! I don't understand. She's just- why- argh! I'm leaving!" She grunt as she stomped away from the room. Yoko quickly ran after her girlfriend. "We're leaving too. What a waste of time" Ajax said as he walked out together with Aelia "bye guys see you in class later" she waved at Enid who was standing close to her partner "Wends let's go. We're gonna be late." Enid said as she pulled her goth girlfriend by her arm. "You must be laughing out loud at us right now but we will never forget what you did to us." Wednesday said to Bianca with a death stare. Both Enid and Wednesday left Xavier's room as they closed the door, only left the owner of the room and the siren.  Bianca felt relieved for a moment but she didn't feel happy either . Usually she would laugh when the victory on her side but this time no. She's actually feeling remorse? 'i should be happy that I did not get expel but why do I feek kinda shit right now?' she thought. Suddenly she felt tight warm hugs around her "I'm happy that Weems doesn't expel you." He said to the siren. Bianca is in dilemma "yeah but I don't have any friends they all hates me. What I did is unforgivable" she said as she rested her head on his shoulder. "You got me. I'm gonna stay by your side." He said to her as he slowly went for as kiss but the siren pushed him back "no.my mouth is filthy." She said looking away. Xavier still move forward and kissed her gently "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you that. I was angry at you. You did hurt me a lot." He said as he smiled at her. Bianca blushed a bit and get up from the bed but Xavier hold her hand " where are you going?" He said to her . "To the class?" She said but he pulled her back to the bed "let's skip the class for today" he said to the siren with a smile.

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