short break

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The next day Aelia woke up early as she walked around the school to find her phone "shit where the fuck is it?" She said as she looked inside the bushes. It's almost time for class start when she noticed students started to passed by her and laughed at her. She ignores them and continue to find her phone. "Cute butt" she heard someone behind her and as she turned her head it was Jazz who is laughing at her "what are you doing in the bushes there?" Jazz asked.

Aelia quickly get up and fixed her pants and blazer (mill:I almost forgot that she wear pants as part of the uniform) "I uhh.. looking for my phone. I supposed that it might be around here" she said as she looked up at the roof she was on yesterday. Jazz then took out a phone from her pocket "here. I found it on my way back to my own room last night. It cracked a bit but still functional. The anti shock cover really useful for phones. I would get one for mine" Jazz said "you do have some interesting pic inside" she said with a smirk.

The demigod took it and stared at the girl who then laughed at her again "chill. I meant the wallpaper. he's Ajax Petropolus right? Didn't know you guys dating eachother." Jazz said as she forced a weak smile. "Y-Yeah we are. By the way thanks for finding my phone. And-" RRINNNNGGG! "Shoot! We're late for the class. Talk to you soon Jazz!" Aelia said as she ran towards the green house. When she arrived the class already started , all the attention went to her and Mr.Fig looked at her as he crossed his arms "you're 5 minutes late. I hope you have solid reasonable explanation for me." He said.

Aelia rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly as she stood in front of the class "I um... Looking for my phone and I just found it." She said as she laugh nervously. Mr.Fig just stared at her and told her to take her sit after he gave her the first warning. She looked around and noticed all the sits were occupied except Ajax who already left the space for her. She shrugged and went to sit beside him. Ajax watched as she sat down and talked to her slowly "I've been calling you since last night. Are you okay?" He asked concernly but the demigod just ignored him. He then asked her again "are you mad at me baby?" Aelia still ignored him. Ajax gave up as he focused on the class.

An hour later the class ended, everyone's getting ready for the next subject. As Aelia packed her stuff, Ajax grabbed her hands "babe talk to me please." He said as he looked at her. Aelia sighed as she pulled her hand from his grip "okay. I'm listening" she said as she gave him an annoyed look.The gorgon saddened that she snatched her hand away from him and said "look. I was worried sick last night that you didn't pick up or reply to my texts. Is everything okay? Are we okay???" He asked her. Aelia rolled her eyes "I dunno. I'm too stressed to even think about it. Why not we just take a break from each others? I just need spaces on my own" she said.

Ajax was surprised by it "why? I mean can we talk it out first? Is it because I told you to tell your family about us? Are they opposing us?" He asked again. This time the demigod snapped with the word 'family' said by the gorgon "please I don't have time to talk about that. So for a short while just leave me alone" she said as she left the gorgon behind. Ajax was speechless as she watched her walked away from him.

"Enid when you wolf out, did you open your clothes first or did you just ripped it off?" Yoko asked as she rested her chin on Divina's shoulder that she hugged from behind. Enid sighed and answered "I'm not sure, it depends on the situation I guess. I just dunno" she answered. Kylie who was exhausted dueling with the goth girl take off her mask as she breath heavily "geez , wenny...give me a break." She said as she walked towards the girls that sat on the side. Wednesday rolled her eyes and joined them "you should train yourself more Kylie and stop calling me that" she said unamused by the name.

"Points for Bianca!" Coach Vlad announced out loud as the siren was dueling with the demigod. "Ael, are you going soft on me or something?" Bianca asked as she helped her getting up. Aelia shook her "I'm not feeling it B... But it's great strike tho. I'm glad you're getting better now" she said as she smiled at the siren. Bianca smiled back at her and opened her mask off "yeah. I'm so happy that I could catch up the lessons that I missed" she said to the demigod. They then noticed the girls are looking at them as called them over. They both walked towards the group "what's up?" Aelia asked.

"Where did you went last night?" Wednesday asked as she stared at the demigod. Aelia noticed that she was given a concerned look by them especially her roommates. Aelia nervously laughed at them "hey don't look at me like that. I'm fine . Just taking fresh air that's all". She said to them. Kylie then said "yeah but didn't you fought with Ajax through the phone?". Divina's eyes widen "omg really? What happened?" She asked . Aelia rolled her eyes slightly and said "we're good..just taking a break...I want some time for myself" she said to them.

The classes for the day ended and everyone went back to their rooms. The Ophelia roommates walked together and as they're about to arrive, they saw Ajax was standing in front of their door and he noticed them "hey guys" he greeted and look at Aelia "can I talk to you for a second?" He asked. The demigod looked at her roommates "you guys go in first" she told them as she pulled him away further from the room "didn't I told you I want space?" She said angrily. Ajax reached for her hand and hold it firmly "look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you okay. How about we just forget about it and back to the way we are? I can't live a day without you. Please I'm begging you Ael" he said as he kneeled down.

Aelia pulled up the gorgon was making a fool himself as there's students passed by them "Ajax... Please don't do this to yourself. I just needed space. Just a break. Not break up" she said. Ajax looked at her and look down ".... alright... I'll give you time...just remember that I love you okay?" He said as he opened his arms wide. Aelia rolled her eyes and hug him for a few seconds "yeah yeah I know." She said then walked away.

As she walked back towards her room, she noticed pairs of eyes were peeping on her by the doorframe "shit she saw us" Enid said as she ran inside the room along with Kylie. When the demigod entered she coldly stared at them. Enid then awkwardly turned her back "oh hey Ael. You're back." The she wolf said as she pretending to make the bed. Aelia just sighed and walked towards her bed and took out the homework given by Mr.Fig as a punishment for being late this morning.

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