chap 34; En colère

Start from the beginning

She knew he was angry and he have all right to be, but she apologized he suppose to excuse her not to shrugged it off. She picked the spoon trying to eat the food but she couldn't, the wound in her hand was still afresh and painful. She drop the spoon and winced in pain, her hand was bandaged and still she couldn't hold the spoon. She use her left hand to try eating with it only for her to spoil her cloth with the soup, she can't use a left hand since she wasn't a lefty, trying many times yet she fail to have a one good spoon.  Before she could be able to take it to her mouth all the content is already spilled. She was frustrated and throwed the spoon on the floor, that was the first time she is eating by her self since she was sick, all the time is either her father, mother, Nabil or Sumayyah, and now they are not by her side, she was left all alone.

She felt like crying, she want to wail out loud, her right hand was injured badly, it was so sore and painful while she can't use her left hand either and she was hungry as if she was starve for Three days. Seeing a calzone in her plate, she picked it with her left hand and munched on it since it is easy to eat. She ate it yet it hasn't satisfy her hunger.

And she hate to be a burden to people so she left it and lied down, she would have call for help, Sumayya will gladly feed her but she knew her, she must be asleep by that time. As for Nabil, he was mad at her so she doubt much If he will feed her since he already know her condition but still he went ahead to let struggled by her self. She lied down waiting for either the nurse to come to check on her or Sumayyah to wake up, either one of them would feed her. Observing her wounded hand, it was burnt beyond imagination. She also didn't know that little water can cause this damage. Looking at it, she know it will leave some scars it will never be as flawless as before.

Nabil walked out of the closet dressed in a casual wears, his hair was tousled and wetted. His tan skin looked so fresh and glowing. His eyes fell on her when he felt her gaze on him, he darted his eyes on the untouched food on the table. Seeing the spoon on the veronoi hexagon marble tiles and then her injured hand, out of anger he forget about her, he forgot she can't eat by herself because of her hand. He casually waltzed to her and asked her sit up. He feed her all the chicken soup and the other meals, help her drink the hot tea from the ember temperature control mug. He feed her all what is on the tray making her stomach so full, she tried protesting but seeing his demeanor, she shut her mouth and obeyed.

There was a knock at the door so he went check on who is at the door. Opening the door, he met with Sumayya and a lady dress in a scrubs. They exchanged pleasantries with him.

"It is time for her medication" the lady-nurse said, she dress professionally and talk with etiquette. She was a young nurse around 25-30yrs old, she was sent by Dr Aisha to take care of Afifah. Nabil sidestepped and let them enter the bedroom.

"How are you feeling mss Maryam" the nurse asked after exchanging some pleasantries with her.

"I'm fine now mrs Nazif, but I still find it difficult to breath for a long time" Afifah replied her. The nurse nodded and check her pulse, heart rate and then blood pressure. She helped her take her medication before saying "you need some rest and avoid anything that can trigger it,don't talk much, laugh or shout. You need to be extra careful" she said and Afifah nod at her.

Mrs Nazif stood up and walked to the nebulizer and brought it close, seeing that Afifah immediately try to deny it. "No please don't put this on me, I'm fine" she said

"No you're not fine your breathing is'nt stable and you need an aid and your heart rate if falling also" the nurse said, continue working on the nebulizer.

"Do we need to go to the hospital" Nabil who was tensed asked, hearing her breath wasn't stable tense him, he won't let her back on the hospital bed.

"Don't worry she be fine at home she just need maximum rest" the nurse assured, she put the nebulizer in her nose and check her one more time before she started packing her stuff. Sumayya who was standing came closer and sat beside her on the bed, she started caressing her face and then goes to her hand, she held it tightly.

"Sumayya you should let her rest" Nabil said and she shook her head in denial. "Ya Nabil I will stay with her I promise I won't talk" she promised but he knew better than everyone that the blabber mouth of his sister will never stay quite.

"I know you will never let her sleep just leave and when she wake up you can talk with her" He deadpanned and she sulked, she wanted to stay close to her sister, watch over her till she sleep.

"Ya Nabil, let her be with me I will be bored if left alone"Afifah interfered, she also want to be with her, she is the only one she share everything with her and now alot to talk to her.
Nabil looked at the duo who were busy pleading him with their puppy dog eyes and decided to let them be, he know they will be the end of him one day.

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