Comenzar desde el principio

- "I'm also going to study engineering so we're going to be classmates... and I hope friends too."

Arthit gave him a huge smile as he nodded vigorously.

"I'm glad I ran into him...", he said to himself as he watched the man turn around and head towards the door with the Science emblem.

- "Come on... the bell has already rung and I don't think it's a good idea for us to be late on our first day."

- " But..."

Ming stopped, looked at him, then at the emblem.

- "I see... to access the engineering area you have to cross the Science courtyard and exit through the bronze door at the back."

Arthit's eyes widened in surprise and, looking down at the paper he was still holding, he nodded.

- "So it was like that..."

Ming smiled and, taking his hand, started walking towards the door.

Fifteen minutes later they were at the Engineering Section and in front of the first-year classroom.


May observed the other students who, like her, were preparing themselves for the start of their first class.

Her eyes ended focused especially on two young men who came through the door while talking animatedly. Both of them, then, sat down on one of the benches at the back of the classroom.

"No... It can't be", she though as she watched the face of the only person she didn't expect to see within those four walls.

Her eyes remained fixed on the figure of her little brother while, through her mind, an endless number of questions did arise. The first one was why... and how could Arthit be there. Her hands began to sweat thinking about what could happen if her brother and Kongpob got to talk.

Everything would be discovered.

Everything she had done to get Kongpob to notice her would be exposed and then... then she would lose everything.

"Although it's not like you have anything now either...", she reminded herself as she looked down at her table, "Kong isn't yours anymore and he doesn't even recognize you... as for Arthit... ."

The woman sighed as she looked down at the boy's hands...


It couldn't be him...anyone but him!

But there it was, the damn red ribbon of destiny. A ribbon that, at that time, was tied to her own brother's finger and ended under the closed door of the classroom.

May groaned, not wanting to imagine who would be on the other side...

-"I see you've already seen it"- whispered, at that moment, a woman's voice that she recognized instantly.

May looked around the class in surprise, but there was no sign of the three women.

-"We are speaking directly to your mind... don't look for us, you won't find us"-said another voice that, if she remembered correctly, corresponded to the youngest of them.

- "But..."

A sharp giggle rumbled through her mind causing her to close her eyes tightly for a few moments.

- "You have already seen the ribbon, so use your mind and think what you are going to do.. unless you want to go to the Other World".

May sighed while clenching her fists tightly, not noticing that, at that moment, someone was occupying the seat next to hers.

- "Hello..."

The girl turned to the boy who, with a shy smile, greeted her from the neighboring table.

- "My name is New. Nice to meet you."

May smiled, a little wryly, as she nodded in greeting.

- "Hi, I'm... May. Nice to meet you too"

The three women smiled as they looked at each other.

Everything was going according to plan.

- "Do you think she will notice it?"

-"I doubt it..."-answered the youngest while smiling ironically.

The oldest of the three nodded while she stirred again the cauldron.... The image passed, now revealing a man who, with a briefcase in his right hand, was walking hurriedly along one of the paths towards the university area.

- " Hopefully everything will go well..."

-" All the pieces are already placed, the only thing left is to start the game"- declared, finally, the oldest of them.

Then the woman, with a determined expression on her old face, took the ladle and move it in the opposite direction....

The image disappeared and the cauldron became empty again.

STORYBOOK 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora