He then asked exactly how I would use Genjutsu-- he wanted every detail in order to help me build the skills I needed.

So then, it was my turn to speak.

"My knowledge of the brain and my chakra control are really going to be my main playing factors here-- I'm pretty comfortable with how the brain sends signals, and do not think that I need to control the whole brain of the other person. Instead, I only need to control small but important sections."

I pause for a moment, getting out a piece of paper and sketching out a rough brain. Pointing at various parts as I speak.

"The pons, more specifically the reticular formation is something I could use against a person to overstimulate them-- basically I would make it more active, and have it send more signals. The person would become hyper aware, which is usually good, but if you're in the middle of a fight and you run into my light seal- or sound seal- then they'd be in trouble..."

I take a sip of my water and continue.

"Since I'm not controlling the whole brain, I only need like 1/10th of the usual amount of chakra, also it makes it go more unnoticed- and it's really the little things piling up that make a difference."

Kakashi nods in approval.

"So if I'm fighting you for example, and I happened to mess with your depth perception-- even though you're S-ranked, it could ruin everything. It would be terrible, your hand-eye coordination would suck-- and if I do it gradually enough, you or the other people there would hardly be the wiser to guess a Genjutsu. Poison? Yeah, maybe. Some sort of seal? Yeah, maybe. Lucky hits? Yeah maybe. But you're still there, still present without any oddities-- so how on earth could it be a Genjutsu."

He blinked, "Huh, that's incredibly smart... You really are a prodigy." His eye closes in what I assume is a smile, and he ruffles my hair.

"Am not! Plus prodigy's are known from when they are little anyway." I retorted.

"Hard to notice if someone is a prodigy if they're ignored." He stated, "and as a prodigy, I can assure you-- you have the brains and the ability to grow, just like one."

I look off to the side with a small smile while shaking my head.

"Anyway, I want you to practice those Genjutsu on me for training then. Just... try not to kill me, eh?"

I backed up, holding my hands in the air like an x, "Hold on- I don't know if I should try it on other people yet!"

He shrugged, "I trust you enough, plus-- you'll be able to heal me if things go haywire." At my skeptical looks he sighed, "I'll try and hold back on the fighting at the very least, so that way you can put more focus into the Genjutsu, and less on keeping up."

Reluctantly I nod, getting into a fighting stance. He followed and prepared himself as well.

The first thing I did- before I even dodged the first punch, was send the smallest sliver of chakra into his mind-- I'd only do what I did yesterday, starting with messing with the shadows, this mainly only works for drawn out fights-- but luckily, we have 2 more hours, which is plenty of time.

I dodged the punch at the last second, bringing my leg up and around for a roundhouse kick aimed at his ribs. He blocks with his arm, going to grab it but I move away bouncing back with a jump.

Seal in hand I lunch at him, dropping to the floor and sweeping his legs. He jumps, landing with a stumble- yeah I placed the seal right under him- and aiming a downwards kick at me.

I do a kip-up twirling to send another kick at him. He jumps back -I send another signal of chakra, amping his pain sensations ever so slightly- but bounces forward right back after, only being gone long enough to stay out of my hit zone.

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