Ninety Seven "Then talk to me baby"

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Fluffy and...stuff

Also I don't own rights to the song used in this chapter 😇

"Babe you really look good." Hope compliments as they near the entrance of the restaurant.

Josie's cheeks tinge a red color and she brings their intertwined fingers up to her lips to kiss Hope's knuckles."You too babe," she doesn't miss the lustful look Hope is giving her,"hey we just got done, I want us to actually go on the date before we have sex again." She says chuckling.

Hope sighs but she knows Josie's right, she's actually glad the brunette jumped her bones in the car because she would have been the one to be on Josie in the restaurant's bathrooms or something.

'That's not classy but neither is car sex.' She thinks and shrugs afterwards.

"Alright." She says knowing if tonight goes the way she wants it to, they won't be just having sex, they'll be making love again.

Josie leads them into restaurant and they walk into the entrance hand and hand. When they get to the podium, a man in a fancy looking suit greets them. "Welcome, how may I help you ladies tonight?"

"I have a reservation for Mikaelson at six o'clock." Josie says and squeezes Hope's hand.

He looks on the tablet and smiles,"Ah I see you right here. Follow me please."

They follow the man who leads them to their table for two. Hope looks around the restaurant and she nods her head as she takes in the appearance of the place.

It's dimly lit and there are a few other couples around but everyone is spaced out and in their own little private cubicles. 'This restaurant kind of looks better than the one I chose.'

"Here's your table. Someone will be right over to take your orders soon." He says placing the menus down before walking away.

Hope was about to pull open the chair for Josie but the brunette shook her head. "Nope," she walks over to Hope's seat and pulls her chair out for her, "I'm in charge." She says smirking and nods her head into the direction of the chair.

Hope chuckles, "okay, okay," she says holding her hands up, "Whatever you want princess." She says as she takes the seat Josie pulled out for her.

Josie pushes the chair in before walking around the table to sit in her own.

"Okay babe,"Josie says picking up one of the menus that the guy left on the table,"what are you getting? dinner is on me." She says as her eyes scan the menu.

Hope was going to protest because she always pays but she holds her tongue, she agreed to let Josie call the shots for this date.

She picks up a menu and after looking through it she knows what she wants already, "I want the sirloin steak meal."

Her wolf is practically drooling at the mouth after reading the menu.

"Baby," Josie chuckles, Hope's eyes shoot in her direction,"You're drooling." She says grabbing a napkin from the table to hand it to the girl.

Hope takes the napkin gratefully and wipes her mouth, blushing in embarrassment,"sorry, I guess I'm hungrier than I thought I was."

"Don't apologize babe." Josie says reaching for Hope's hands. The auburnette sets her hands into Josie's and holds them on the table.

"you've been eating a lot lately," Josie says grinning mischievously,"Are you pregnant?" She asks jokingly and arched a brow in question.

Hope chuckles, shaking her head,"very funny sweetheart but no." She says bringing their hands to her lips to plant a kiss on her knuckles."it's because we've been very active. I don't think I've ever been this active before so I need food to have a lot of energy for you." She says smiling.

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