Thirty One

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The door swings open and Hopes met with the sight of her father. His light brown hair coming into view, the black v neck sweater, and his matching black pants as well.

A smile immediately making its way onto her lips while a fond one forms on his. "Hello love." He says opening his arms. Hope runs into his arms and wraps her hands around him tightly.

'This must be her father. She kind of looks like him. She kind of talks like him too.' Josie thinks as she watches the interaction quietly.

She checks her clothing making sure there aren't any wrinkles, a habit she's picked up when being around her father.

After a moment Klaus kisses Hope on the forehead and releases her. "You look just like your mother." He compliments.

Hope just keeps the smile on her face unable to remove it, feeling like it's been too long since she's seen one of her favorite people in the world.

Klaus then looks at the brunette who's patting down her jeans. "Ah this must be your girlfriend."

Josie stops her patting when she hears that and looks up. She straightens up and keeps her gaze eye level, another habit she has.

Hope furrows her eyebrows slightly at the brunettes demeanor. The last time she's seen her this nervous was when she seen the brunettes father in her presence.

She goes back to her side and threads their fingers together. "Dad this is my girlfriend Josie." She introduces her.

Klaus smiles and offers his hand. Josie takes it and gives him a firm shake the way she was taught to. "It's nice to meet you Mr.Mikaelson."

He chuckles lightly, impressed with the woman's grip. "No need to be so formal Josie. Please call me Klaus, Mr. Mikaelson makes me feel old."

Hope shakes her head. "Dad you're over a thousand years old." She has no problem reminding him.

"Sorry Mr. - I mean Klaus." Josie says retracting her hand. She keeps her eyes on his, not faltering for more than a second.

Hope can feel Josie's hand sweating profusely and she sets a mental reminder to check on her later.

"Yes but looking at you makes me feel younger." He says to his daughter.

"You don't look a day over nine hundred." Josie cuts in.

Klaus turns to her and raises his eyebrows before he smirks. "I like her already." He says grabbing their suitcases. "I'll take these to your room Hope then I'll fetch your mother and the rest of the flock."

Her father walks in and Josie was about to follow but Hope stops her. "Hey are you okay?" She asks softly.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." She says looking at her feet.

"Are you sure because your really tense right now and your body language is showing me you aren't fine." She says looking at the girl's figure, she's visibly shaking and Josie tries to hide it but she can't fool Hope.

"I said I'm fine." She says, pulling her hand away from Hope's to run it through her brown locs.

Hope raises an eyebrow at the woman's tone. She puts her hands into her pockets, taking a deep breath,"Okay, if this is about your dad maybe it will help if you talk about it." She suggests.

Josie shakes her head and rubs her face. "No I don't want to talk about him." She deadpans. Her features turning cold and defensive right before Hope's eyes in an instant.

She sighs and rolls her eyes,'everything was fine and now she's back to this shit.'

"Whatever." She mumbles before walking inside the house.

A deal with Ms.SaltzmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang