Thirty-Four "Who hurt you?"

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savseyler Convinced me to do a double update 😇

Josie studies the woman closely, she seems a bit nervous, an emotion she thinks Hope doesn't show often. She decides to ask anyway.

"Well during the contract meeting, you said this ring was meant for someone else and your aunt mentioned that I was prettier than the last one?"

Josie watches a wave of hurt crash onto Hope's face like a wave. She turns towards the brunette and closes her eyes."It's been a long time since I've had a girlfriend Miss Saltzman." She responds.

"A long time?" She asks waiting on Hope to open her eyes.

"Yes. Four or five years now, somewhere along those lines." Hope says briefly taking a trip down memory lane.

Josie's surprised Hope is opening up to her just a little but she'll take what she can get. She feels like she knows nothing about Hope but she's been learning an interesting amount for the past two days.

She moves her hand to Hope's face, her fingers caress her cheek and it's enough to get the auburnette to open her eyes and she sees those blue eyes she admires more and more each day.

"Who hurt you?" She asks softly. Her words holding nothing but sincerity and she genuinely wants to know.

Hope crumbled for a second and Josie seen the auburn haired girl's eyes start to glisten, it seemed like for just a second that tears were about to fall.

Then vulnerability overcame her and she stopped her tears from falling and a muscle in her jaw twitched before she spoke. "Her name is Maya."

Josie caresses Hope's face some more, thinking that's enough for right now. She doesn't want to push her to talk about something that's clearly a sore subject.

'Maya huh? At least I got a name.'

Josie sets a mental note to get Cleo to do some digging until she gets more information.

"Can we change the subject please." Hope whispers and moves her hand onto the brunettes hip, she rubs small circles there when she felt Josie flinch at her touch.

"Yeah."Josie tries to move her hand away from Hope's face but she's stopped by the older girl.

Hope holds it there,"No keep it there."

Josie doesn't deny the request, she just keeps her hand there, using her thumb to caress her soft skin.

"Sooo a virgin?" Hope asks with a teasing smile.

Josie rolls her eyes and pulls away from the auburnette after that.'Of course.'

Hope laughed and grabbed Josie's hand again, intertwining them together as she scoots closer to the brunette."No I promise it's not bad I'm just really surprised."

"Why are you so surprised?" Josie asks. She's never found the right person to take that next step with, at least no one she's been comfortable with.

Hope's eyebrows shoot up at the question. "Seriously? Geez your beautiful, I don't know how many times I'm going to have to remind you."

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