Seventy Seven

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An:Double update since I'm writing the honeymoon chapter, it's going to take a minute ✍🏽 so I hope this holds you guys off until then, please be patient, if you want it to be good and not rushed it will take time. I'm not sure how long it will take but it won't be no longer than a week. I don't need that much time lol. It's the end of the semester so gotta get stuff turned in 👩🏽‍💻

"Okay okay, slow down Josie." Cleo says as she puts her hands on the brunettes shoulders. "I cannot understand a word you are saying when you talk that fast."

Josie breathes in and out slowly but shakily, she meets Cleo's eyes,"I think I have feelings for Hope." She says, this time her words didn't come out jumbled up.

The admission feels like a weight off her shoulders and it's nice for a second, she can breathe after feeling like she was held under water but that second is up and the feeling is quickly replaced with the feeling of a weight on her chest, a heavy one.

Cleo blinks once then twice before a huge grin spreads across her face."That is good right?" She asks trying not to show how excited she is.

Josie immediately shakes her head, "No Cleo it isn't." She says breathing heavily, her eyes start to prickle with tears.

Her friend pulled her around the desk and had her sit down in one of her guest chairs while she sits in the other one. She holds her hands to give her comfort. "Why is that?" She asks.

"Because," Josie breathes,"this isn't apart of the contract. We made it clear that we aren't supposed to fall in love. The contract would be null and void if that happened." She says as a tear escaped her eye.

Cleo shoots the brunette a small smirk,"But you did not say you were in love. You said you had feelings for her." She says catching the brunettes slip up.

Josie froze briefly and she clears her throat not wanting to think on that,"Yes but how long until it gets to that point? I can't go through with this, Hope just got her artist career started and I don't want to get in the way of that. The contract will be broken and that will mess up everything especially now that my dad knows she's a mikaelson-"

Cleo squeezed the brunettes hands to stop her from rambling."Josie relax." She lets go of her hands and walks over to the desk to grab the box of Kleenex tissue and hands it to the brunette.

Josie takes the box and wipes the tear streaks on her face.

Cleo sits on the chair again,"Listen, it is okay to have feelings for Hope. Like you said you guys are not in love." She wants to roll her eyes so bad at her own words,"So the contract is not broken. The wedding is too close to bail now, remember the marriage has to last three months and then you divorce. You can last that long can't you?"

She hopes Josie can because things are finally getting better, Mg got Hope to admit her feelings and Josie has finally admitted hers. It's only a matter of time before everything falls into place, she just hopes she can convince Josie to not call off the deal. She would lose her company too if she doesn't think about this.

"You also have to remember why you started this deal in the first place." She adds.

Josie plays with the box of tissue in her hands and she nods, "I can wait three months. Living with Hope has been a piece of cake, what's another three months married to her right?" She asks trying to convince herself more than Cleo.

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