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Josie walks out of the room and all eyes immediately go to her and Lizzie caught the pink tint of her sister's cheeks.

"I'm guessing the talk went well?" She asks.

Josie smoothed down her skirt in hopes of avoiding all eyes that were on her. "you can say that."

Cleo chuckles and walks up to her friend, "Good because we are here to celebrate the both of you, where is Hope?"

"She's in the restroom, she'll be out soon." 'I think.'

Cleo pulls Josie over to everyone else  in the living room,"We are going to wait for Hope to start the games," she picks up one of the filled champagne glasses and hands it to the brunette, "until then here is your drink.''

Josie smiles at her and grabs the glass, "Thank you." She turns to everyone,"thanks for all of this guys, this means so much."

"I am so glad you liked it because Lizzie threatened us if you or Hope didn't like even the smallest thing." Kaleb says drinking from his glass.

Everyone chuckles in response and drinks from their glasses as well.

"Alright I'm going to set up the games you guys coming?" Mg says, everyone nods and starts following him into the dining room.

Josie heard the room door opening so she stopped in her tracks and looked in that direction, her face immediately turns a shade darker.

Hope has on a different shirt, this one is a black button up long sleeve, her face looks slightly flushed, cheeks are pink, hands are fixing her belt, and she has that post orgasmic look on her face.

Josie has seen that look before so that means Hope must have- Her cheeks gets darker at the thought.

Hope releases a deep sigh, one that sounds relieving. When she finished fixing her belt she looks up to see the brunnete staring at her with a pink face.

She grins and walks up to her, she pecks the girl on the lips before grabbing her own champagne glass.

"Alright let's get this party started." She says, she takes a swig of the glass and moves over to the dining room table.

Josie finally snaps out of it and takes a huge gulp of her drink. 'Be good.' She thinks to herself.


"Alright my already tipsy friends," Lizzie says looking at Cleo, Kaleb, Jed, and Ben who all smile at her,"hot boyfriend,"she says looking at Mg who winks at her, making her blush,"my lovely sister and your fiancé bdm." Lizzie says looking at the brunette and auburnette.

Josie chuckles and Hope rolls her eyes at the blonde before saying, "calling me her fiancé is just fine, just leave out bdm."

"Whatever," Lizzie says bypassing Hope's comment. "It's time to play some games and spill some tea." She says grinning devilishly.

Josie sighs,'here we go.' She thinks as finishes her alcohol.

Lizzie disappear into the kitchen and Josie turns to Mg, "What is she up to?" She asks.

Mg sighs,"Honestly I have no idea, I'm just going with flow."

Josie nods in response and she side glances Hope who's really relaxed, her legs are crossed, back is slumped slightly, the champagne glass slowly traveling to her very pink lips.

She didn't even know she was staring so intensely until she reaches the woman's face and she catches the smirk she's holding and the raise of her eyebrow.

Josie looks away quickly fighting her blush with everything she's got.

Hope lets out a quiet chuckle before setting down the glass, she scoots closer to the brunette, and reaches for her hand, bringing it up to her lips and peppering her knuckles with kisses.

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