Eighty Two

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They watched the screen lift and the projector turns off.

Hope's father appears on stage alongside her mother.

He holds the microphone in his hand and a new glass of wine,"That was one of the fondest memories I have of my daughter. Quite the crybaby but she's always cared for others strongly. It is one of her best qualities. It is very lovely to see her care for a person so much that she wants to spend the rest of her life with her. There isn't much to be said other than I wish the two of you happiness and love in your marriage." He says lifting his glass up as a toast.

Everyone does the same, Josie and Hope get refills before they pick up the glasses with their free hands and clinks them together."Happiness and Love." Hope repeats what her father said in a whisper before bringing it to her lips.

Hayley snatches the mic from Klaus,"I love you both."She says.

Hope and Josie giggle at Hayley who's beaming at the two girls. "We love you too." They say in unison which is new but they don't mind it.

The next hour is spent like this. The staff is cleaning up everything around them, and Hope and Josie are getting ready to leave but not without saying goodbye to their families and friends.

Right now both girls are being suffocated by a group hug from the Mikaelsons.

"You guys are killing us." Hope says because she can't move.

They release them before they all start chuckling."Well we expect a visit soon." Klaus says.

"Yeah after you two are no longer newly weds because I don't want to hear my niece getting down and dirty." Kol says having no filter.

As usual he gets slapped but this time it's from Davina. "Ignore him." She says.

Hope chuckles while Josie pinks at his words. "We will visit. Please be safe, I love you all." She says looking at her whole family.

"We aren't leaving until you and your bride do." Hayley says.

"Oh yeah." Hope replies before turning to her wife. "I have to give your sister something before we take off.

Josie gives Hope a confused look because she doesn't know what Hope is supposed to be giving her twin.

Hope walks away and Josie follows her because she wants to know what she's giving her.

They approach Lizzie who's currently talking to Mg. She turns to look at the couple once she catches them from the corner of her eye."Good, I'm glad you guys haven't left yet." She says.

"I'm glad you haven't either." Hope says, Lizzie raises a brow and Hope pulls out a set of keys."Didn't have time to wrap it but Happy early birthday." She says with a smile.

Lizzie's eyebrows furrow as she grabs the keys, eyeing them suspiciously,"and what are these for?"

"They are keys to a brand new yacht. Mg knows where it is." Hope replies.

Lizzie's eyes widen and a smile spreads across her face."You bought me a yacht?!?"

Hope nods while Josie pouts feeling a little jealous, she doesn't care about having a yacht she could buy one herself, it's just that she doesn't understand why Hope gave Lizzie a gift for their birthday before her.

She doesn't know why she cares, she's never enjoyed her birthday before, she didn't know why this one would be different.

Almost like Hope is reading Josie's mind, she leans over to whisper in the brunettes ear,"You will get your gift tomorrow baby." She plants a kiss on her cheek afterwards before looking at the blonde again.

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