Eighty-Three 😏

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Finally..I know. As usual for this story, it will be g¡p related, this is another reminder, do not Read if you don't like.

FYI- there's a lot of foreplay, you guys kno why 😙

As they head towards the hallway, Josie looks in the living room area.

She sees a shit load of gifts on their couches and the coffee table."Are those our wedding gifts?"

Hope looks over her shoulder."Yeah, some of it. Mg moved them here as fast as he can, other gifts are for your birthday. We will open everything tomorrow though." She says as she leads Josie to the bedroom.

Josie takes in the information as she looks at the trail of candles that lead to the room. "Hope how did you keep these lit this whole time?"

"A spell and don't worry the building won't burn down." Hope says and opens the door to the room. She steps aside and lets Josie walk in first.

When Josie enters, she can hear music playing from a speaker that sits on the nearby dresser, it's not just any music though."did you steal my playlist?" She asks.

"Yep, you have some good songs that set the mood." Hope replies.

She lets Josie's hand go so she can close the door, she whispers another silencing spell, just to make sure certain sounds remain in the room.

Josie sees the small details of the room that's changed, there's the music, the extra set of linens that's on the second nightstand, she doesn't remember those being there when they left this morning.

There's more candles in here too, the lights in the room are off or dimmed. The bed looks a lot comfier for some reason so she sits on it and takes her sandals off.

When her toes are free she stretches her legs and sighs before looking at the auburnette who's strangely quiet.

Hope releases a controlled exhale as she unties her boots, she pulled them off of her feet to throw them in a random direction before walking up to Josie, only stopping when she gets in front of her.

She pushes a strand of hair behind Josie's ear, her still gold orbs stare into brown ones that are slowly starting to grow anxious.

"So I want to ask you something." Hope says, moving her hand to the brunette's cheek.

The way Hope is peering down at her makes her want to do very unholy things. She looks up and leans into her touch, remembering that Hope had said something."Hm?"

"You've never had sex before right?"

"Right." Josie replies softly, she loves the way Hope feels. Every part of her body is warm and soft, even the palm that's resting on her face.

"Okay," Hope uses her thumb to caress her cheek,"I need you to tell me everything you've done that we haven't already."

Josie's cheeks heat up, her eyes drop to her lap, and she plays with her fingers for a second.

Hope moves her hand to her jaw, lifting it up to get Josie to look at her, she raised an expectant eyebrow that made the brunette answer her.

"Uhm I've u-used a vibrator on myself before, just a couple times. It was to pop my...you know, but I haven't used it in a while."

Hope purses her lips as she takes in this new information."Did you come using it?"

Josie nods shyly, trying to avert her eyes but Hope doesn't let her, she keeps her hold on her jaw firm.

"How big was it?"Hope asks.

Josie ends up sputtering for a while, blinking rapidly because she doesn't know why Hope wants to know that.

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