Eighty Nine

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Enjoy 🤭

"Hope stop complaining." Josie says as she tries to respond to as many emails on her phone as possible.

They are currently on their way to work in Hope's car and the woman has been constantly complaining about going back to work.

"No once we get to work, everything changes." Hope replies.

Josie rolls her eyes for the fourth time today and it's only 7:45 am.

"Hope, the company can't run itself, you know that first hand, remember when you covered for me." Josie tries to reason.

Hope just groans and when they get to a red light, she ran a hand through auburn locs before she turned to look at the brunette."You're right. I do but I don't want work cutting in to our time."

When she gets no response she growls lowly, "We are officially married and I already feel like I'm being cheated on." She says feeling bitter about Josie ignoring her to do whatever she's doing in her phone.

Josie gives Hope and incredulous look, her eyebrow raised and she put her phone down to look at the woman fully.

"I am not cheating on you." She says not knowing where Hope got that idea from.

Hope scoffs and turns back toward the road wondering why the damn light is taking so long to turn green. "Yes you are."

"With who?" She asks confused.

Hope huffs out in frustration and reaches over to snatch the phone out of Josie's hand. "Hey!"

"With this." She says making a dramatic gesture with the device. "It has all your freaking time and attention now." She says tossing it back over to the girl because the light turned green.

Josie catches it and sighs,'why is she being dramatic. Work doesn't have enough of my attention.'

Hope just stares angrily at the road, her jaw is tight and she prevents herself from saying what's really on her mind.

Josie can see that Hope is actually angry because of this so she thinks of a solution.

She puts her phone in her skirt pocket and reaches her left hand over to the auburnettes thigh to give it a gentle squeeze."How about we leave work early today and go get something to eat." She suggests.

Hope makes a face like she's thinking about it but she wants to play stubborn because she's still a little mad. "I don't know, I need to think about it." She replies dryly.

Josie grins and scoots closer to the auburnette, her fingers slowly ascend up the woman's thigh which makes Hope sighs pleasurably before she straightens up knowing what the brunette is doing.

"Careful sweetheart." She warns when she felt Josie go higher.

Her wolf is a little antsy and she's driving, she doesn't want to have to pull over.

Josie ignores her of course,"What can I do to make it better baby?" She whispers seductively in Hope's ear.

She nips it before she drags the tip of her nose up and down her throat making Hope shiver in anticipation.

"Depends, what are you willing to do?" Hope asks biting back a groan when Josie goes even further up her thigh, she's basically palming her at this point.

"For you?" She starts and pulls away to caress Hope's cheek softly, "anything baby."

Hope felt a blush creep up her cheeks and a smirk tugs at her lips,"Okay, let's leave early from work and get some ice cream."

A deal with Ms.SaltzmanΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα