Twenty Four

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I wasn't going to post until tomorrow but we have another birthday so Happy birthday 🎉 HosieSupremacy You guys get an early update because of them!

Josie chokes on the air she inhaled and she can practically feel her cheeks heating up and the blush spreading across her face.

The color gets darker when she makes eye contact with Hope.

Hope is smirking and one of her eyebrows are raised as she waits on a response from the brunette.

She is absolutely okay with that, since she will technically be married to the woman, she will not cheat on her because she doesn't condone that at all, and she won't be having sex with anyone as long as she's committed to the brunette.

Hope uncrosses her legs and sits comfortably, Josie watches the action a little bit too closely and Hope doesn't miss it, she knows exactly what the woman is staring at.

"That is a very good question Mg." Cleo says and turns to her friend. "Well Josie what do you think? I mean a woman does have her needs, don't you?" She teases.

"Now that is a statement I agree with Cleo. She does have needs and I do too." Hope adds winking at the brunette.

Josie doesn't say anything about Hope's reply, she doesn't say anything at all actually. Partly because she knows deep down that the woman isn't lying. She does have needs.

"And while we are on the subject, I have a male sexual reproductive organ because of my genes, since we are all going to be getting to know each other these next couple of months, that's a fun fact for you guys, although" She keeps her gaze fixed on the brunette, "Ms.Saltzman already knew about that, didn't you?" She says grinning.

Josie avoids everyone's gaze,"I didn't know for sure until now." She says fiddling with the ring on her finger.

"Of course you knew though, remember in the elevator when I-" Hope's cut off by the brunette.

"Hope!" She yells stopping her, she remembers that day vividly and she doesn't want her cheeks to get any darker than they already are.

"What? What happened? Did I miss something?" Cleo asks.

Hope's smirk turns devilish and Josie doesn't like where it might go so she speaks, "Don't, I'll tell her." She says to Hope before she turns to her friend and puts her hand over her ear as she whispers into it.

Hope turns to face Mg. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" She whispers.

He nods, "Maybe a couple times, but I mentioned sex because I know how crazy your wolf can get but also for her, based off what you have told me. You're positive she wants you?" He whispers back.

Hope scoffs, "Dude have you not been paying attention? She wants the D. As soon as she asks for it I'll give it to her." She says shrugging.

Mg rolls his eyes,"It's good to hear that you will only be like this with one person, at least for a while." He sighs.

"You know I would never-, I'm already committed to this woman even if it is fake. Let's not count what was about to happen with Diana, I was horny okay."

Josie pulls away from Cleo who is looking at Hope shocked, she clears her throat and picks up her pen. "That is very interesting." She chuckles.

"It could have gotten a lot more interesting that day," Hope sighs looking back at that moment in the elevator, "but the sex is up to Miss Saltzman." She says grinning at the woman again.

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