Forty Seven

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Josie's eyes blink open and she yawns sleepily. 'I fell asleep?'

She feels a weight on top of her and she glances down and she can see that the auburnette is sleeping soundly on her chest. Arms still securely wrapped around her and her hair is covering her face.

Josie pushes auburn strands out of the way and plants a kiss on Hope's forehead. She doesn't know why, it just felt natural.

Her head leans back on the arm chair, she closes her eyes for a second before she opens them again and she sees blonde hair hovering over her face.

She stops herself from screaming so she wouldn't wake up Hope. "Lizzie what the fuck?!??" She whispers.

Lizzie laughs quietly before pointing at the auburnette. "I definitely took a picture of this." She whispers.

'Of course she did.'

"What time is it?" She asks her twin.

Lizzie looks at her watch."Almost ten."

She has to get ready for work tomorrow and so does Hope, they should head home. She looks down at the auburnette again, she doesn't want to wake her up she looks so peaceful.

Lizzie leans on the wall next to the couch. "Soo, we gotta plan this wedding." She says.

Josie looks up at her again, "Oh yeah. The only thing we have planned is a date which technically isn't even planned yet. We just have the month."

"Okay I can pretty much take care of everything else." Lizzie says.

Josie furrows her brows, "What about the business?" She asks.

"My whole life doesn't revolve around the business Jo." She replies. Josie pursed her lips at the response.

Lizzie pulls out her phone, "Okay Mg has told me about the weekly dates so you're going to have to make room for discussing the wedding into your schedule somewhere. Mg and I are also throwing you and Hope an engagement party which will happen on New Year's Eve/day so clear your schedule for that day."

"Wait Lizzie when did you come up with all of this? How did you have time?" Josie asks.

"Mg is my boyfriend, he helps and he showed me the copy of the contract so I'm just trying to help you keep your company. And I love to get on dad's nerves because he's an ass." She says, she might be in on something else as well but she's telling most of the truth.

"Okay." Josie says smiling at her sister. She's so glad she's here with her right now.

"So is there something you want to tell me about you and BDM here." The blonde says nodding at the auburnette.

Josie gives her twin a confused look. She's not sure what she's talking about and she even took a minute to think.

"No I don't think so." She replies.

Lizzie sighs looking at the brunette. "Yes you forgot to tell me how thick this sexual tension you guys have that's roaming around in the air."

Josie felt her face flush a light pink, "I don't know what you're talking about." She says checking to see if the auburn haired woman is still asleep.

"Yes you do. Jeez at the table it looked like you two were going to rip each other's clothes off."

'We're we?' Josie thinks when she looks back at what happened earlier.

"From what I can see, there's been sexual tension for a long time because you are basically undressing her with your eyes and she's literally eye fucking the hell out of you Jo, like major eye fucking." Lizzie says going on as she looks at her phone. "I'm pretty sure she would be really fucking you if Mg and I weren't here.

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