Eighty Seven

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A/n: There won't be smut in every single chapter but try to remember how much tension these characters have had throughout the whole story. At certain times- mainly inappropriate times, they are going to want to relieve some of that built up tension so don't be surprised if things are spicy for a while. This is just a heads up for future chapters.

Also it's their honeymoon guys, they are gonna bang. There will be a warning either right before it happens or at the beginning of the chapter. There's smut this chapter btw 😂

The film had started, they could both hear the loud boom of the speakers, apparently it was the classic Dracula film playing.

They didn't bother watching it,they were content with just holding each other during the movie even though the screams were kind of a mood killer.

Once it was over Hope drove home while Josie took a small nap. The crying exhausted her a bit.

Hope parked Josie's car right next to hers before turning it off and getting out. She walked around to the passenger door and opened it.

She placed a couple kisses on Josie's cheek to wake her up."We're home." She says.

Josie yawns and nods before unbuckling her seatbelt to let Hope help her out of the car.

They grab the picnic stuff out of the back seat before making their way inside.

When they get to the front door Josie opens it while Hope carries their things inside to put them away.

Josie sighs and helps Hope out,"Thank you for today, I actually enjoyed my birthday." She says when they finished up.

Hope reaches for her hand and pulls her over to one of the couches in the living room."Don't thank me yet gorgeous."

She reaches for one of the gifts. "Which one's do you want to open up first? Our wedding gifts or your birthday gifts?"

"Let's start with wedding gifts, I want to see what everyone got the both of us."

"Alright who's do you want to open first?" Hope says putting the gift she had back down.

Josie looks around and she picked the one that had glitter on it knowing it's her twin's. "Let's get my sister's gift out of the way."

Hope reaches for that gift and hands it to Josie."You can open it." She says with a smile.

Josie returns it and tears open the wrapping paper, she wishes she can say she's surprised but quite frankly she isn't.

It's chocolate body paint, there's three small jars of three different types of chocolate. Each jar says 'Paint me, eat me, lick me, fuck me.'

"Wow." Hope chuckles, "I think there is a note inside." She says reaching into the box.

She reads: To jo my precious sister, since you told me Hope loves chocolate, she can now paint you with it and-

"Okay don't read anymore!" Josie says snatching the note out of Hope's hand since she knew where that was going.

"Why? It was getting interesting." Hope whines.

"Next gift, you choose this time." Josie replies blushing.

Hope sighs but picks up a gift, "it's from mom." She groans.

"Your mom is nice, she probably got us some matching onesies like your aunt Rebekah did for Christmas." Josie says catching Hope's doubtful face.

"I doubt it." She says shaking her head, she opens the box and sighs knowingly. "I freaking knew it."

Josie looks inside the box and her eyes widen at what's inside.

A deal with Ms.Saltzmanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن