Fifty Seven

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Josie's hand starts shaking. Hope seen and put her own hand on one of Josie's hands to try and ease her anxiety.

Josie turns to look at her and Hope gives her a small smile,"It's okay. Answer it."

"Oh no it's our shitty dad isn't it." Lizzie groans and Mg holds her to calm her down. "Jo you don't have to answer that." She says.

Hope slides her fingers into Josie's free hand. She squeezes the girl's hand when she felt it trembling again."It's going to be okay jo, answer it." She says again, this time a little bit softer.

Josie swallows hard and slides the green button across the screen.

She slowly brings it up to her ear shakily, "Hello?" She asks working overtime to keep her voice steady.

"Josette," her father's voice sounding gruff as always,"How is the engagement going?"

Lizzie groans hearing her father's voice and Mg leans over to whisper something in her ear which calms her down.

Hope takes her hand out of the brunettes and moves it to her back, rubbing slow gentle circles hoping it will relax her and it works just a bit.

"Great, why do you ask?" She replies carefully.

It's quiet on the other line for about thirty seconds, she hears the sound of him standing up,"That's good, that's good." She hears the shuffle of papers before he says,"I got an interesting phone call from a Rafael Waithe this morning."

Josie felt like the world just fell on her literally. Her thoughts spiral but before they can get too out of control, "Jo." Hope whispers.

The brunette turns to look at her, "Breathe." She says and puts her palm flat on the girl's back, now moving it all the way up and down trying to keep her relaxed.

Josie takes a deep breath before replying to her father,"Rafael Waithe? I'm confused, is he a business partner?" She asks, trying to play it cool even though she's extremely nervous.

She has a good idea why he called. 'How did he get my dad's number?? Would he stoop that low? Of course he would.'

Hope nods, noticing what the brunette is trying to do, so does everyone else in the room.

Alaric furrows his eyebrows at the response but then he smiles knowing his daughter can't see his face."No he is not a business partner. He claims he is your ex-boyfriend and that this wedding is indeed a scam. Now here's my question for you, is this true?"

Josie scoffs,"No, I don't even know who that is." She takes a short moment to think, looking at her sister who's mouthing something she can't understand, "I've never had a boyfriend, only a girlfriend, who is now my fiancé so both claims are false." She states.

"Hmm," Alaric hums, "Interesting. He seemed to have provided some information backing up his claim," she hears the sound of shuffling again, "said you and him we're together for about two years, moved into a penthouse together, and that you even gave his friend, a young man named Landon, a job."

"What the fuck." Hope whispers to herself. Josie gives her a confused look and Hope just shakes her head."Tell him that you and I were living together and we still are." She whispers to the girl.

Josie nods,"Hope and I have been living together for two years, her name is on the lease," Hope tilts her head after hearing that.

"It is?" She asks quietly.

Josie just nods in response, she's glad she thought ahead, it would be too obvious that something was up if Hope's name wasn't on the lease along side hers.

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