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Hope knocks on the door. When she hears someone say come in she pushes it open.

Her eyebrows raise in surprise at the woman that sits behind a very large desk.

Her brown hair is falling freely along her shoulders, she's wearing some pearl like earrings and a dark blue long sleeve blouse. She's biting the tip of her pen looking at something on her desk.

'Damn she's beautiful. Oh noo, not now calm down horny wolf you don't want to fuck your potential boss.' Hope clasps her hands together and holds them in front of her.

"Hope Mikaleson I presume." Josie says while keeping her eyes on her desk.

Hope clears her throat and walks further into the room at a timely pace. "Yes."

"Please, take a seat." She says pointing to the two seats that sit in front of her desk.

Hope does what the brunette says and sits in one of the chairs. She takes a look around the office to see it's modern decor.

Josie grabs a couple papers out of a pile and sets them in front of her before she glance's up at the woman sitting across from her.

Hope finally gets to see the woman's brown eyes and she watches the brunette raise an eyebrow at her appearance.

Hope thinks she chose the right outfit because it looks like the brunette is checking her out.

Josie slowly brings her eyes up the woman's figure. The black boots the woman is wearing along with the suit looks very expensive, she thinks red seems to be her color, she sees the golden cuff links, and the gold hoop spike hanging earrings which seems to be the perfect touch. She noticed the curly auburn hair, those piercing blue eyes, and a soft yet sharp looking jawline.

'She's attractive, that might be a problem.' Josie sighs, "I'm Josie Saltzman, owner of Saltzmans art publishing firm, hence the last name."

"It's nice to meet you." Hope replies.

Josie hums going through some more paper work.

'Right so she may actually be one of those bosses, noted.'

"Um if I may, why did that man run out of here screaming?" She asks.

"I don't think he can take constructive criticism very well and that is why he won't be getting the job." She replies calmly.


"Ms.Mikaleson tell me about yourself." She says putting her pen down and looking at the woman expectantly.

"I have a bachelors degree-" Josie holds her hand up to stop her. "Not something I read off of your resume."

Hope bites the inside of her cheek trying to think of something to say that won't reveal to much information about her life. "I like to think of myself as an artist." She says and mentally facepalms herself.

The brunettes face remains the same. "I see.What kind of artist? Abstract? Drawing? Sculptures?"

"All of the above. I like to venture out and find other things."

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