Fifty Eight

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This chapter takes a quick turn so don't be surprised🔞, oh and I believe that there is some slight inappropriate language on this chapter, just a warning 😅😅

Josie blinked rapidly for a second to register what the auburnette had said.

"You want to be friends...with benefits?" She ends up asking once it finally registered in her head.

Hope sits up,"I mean it's an idea." She says trying to read what the brunettes thinking.

Josie nods, biting the inside of her cheek as she plays with her food. "What's your definition of friends with benefits?"

Hope tilts her head at the question, "My definition?" She asks.

"Yeah. Everyone has a different one and I've heard different meanings for it so I'd like to hear yours."

Hope chuckles and rubs the back of her neck,"I think friends with benefits, are friends who fuck from time to time but if we were to do that, it would obviously be different and under other circumstances."

Josie raises a brow,"Like?"She asks waiting on the auburnette to continue.

Hope can see the brunette is thinking about it. 'Okay now I don't feel entirely stupid for suggesting this idea.' She thinks as she tries to explain further.

"Well, we wouldn't be fucking per see, we would probably just give each other head, or anything else that relates to pleasing each other. Basically everything besides the fucking part."

Josie nods looking at her food for a moment before she looks up at the tribrid through her lashes."What if I want to fuck?"

The question threw Hope off guard, her eyes flashed gold for a second before she could stop them. She clears her throat watching the brunette who cocked a brow waiting on an answer.

"Then we'd fuck." She responds.

Josie inhales before exhaling deeply, she sets her fork down and picks up her drink before her eyes meet the auburnettes blue ones."That's not included in our contract Ms.Mikaelson."

Hope nods,"True."She replies, her fingers start to slowly tap the table while taking notice of the woman's body language and what it's telling her.

Josie observed the auburnettes body language as well, she's strangely calm, and not at all troubled by her response.

She looks at something behind Hope so she doesn't have to make eye contact, "But," Hope's eyes zero in on the brunettes face to hear her response. "It doesn't have to be."

That's when Hope smirks, her eyes dancing across the brunettes features carefully,"Meaning?"

Josie's face turned red, trying to fight it but she fails."Meaning that I'm open to that idea."

Hope stops the tapping of her fingers, she clasps her hands on the table and leans forward."You are?" She asks trying not to sound too surprised.

Josie nods before she makes eye contact with Hope again."Yes. I mean a woman does have her needs right?" She asks and starts sipping her strawberry lemonade through her straw.

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