"Well- I mean, I don't really know. I'm just aver-"

"Sakura, strengths don't have to be physical, try again"

I sat and contemplated for a few minutes, thinking.

Inner, what even is my strength, what am I good at?

Kami, you're clueless. You are an extremely fast learner, faster than anyone in the academy. Your chakra control is off the charts, and you have a diverse way of thinking, you like to include the other options- you think logically, but not forever.

I blinked in shock at Inners rant. Nonetheless I was thankful for inner and a smile graced my face, "I guess, according to some, I'm a fast learner. I pick things up quickly?"

He smiled at this answer. He had been patiently waiting and was happy that I found an answer.

"Hmm, what most interests you? That you can utilize in a fight." He asked, he seemed to be mentally taking notes, and nodded carefully at everything I said but never seemed upset.

"Uh, well if you're talking about learning wise, then I think Fuinjutsu is something I can learn to utilize well. I can create things to assist me in a fight, like chakra storage, or the Hirashin, or possibly even traps. Even though the wood is incredible, just a little bit and I'm out- so I have to expand my chakra first"

I was still thinking, there's so much more I wanted to learn, but in terms of importance, this was pretty important, I have a handicap on chakra usage and fight knowledge, so this was the best thing I could do.

"Very good, I'm assuming you'd like to learn more fighting skills as well though? Or was I wrong to assume you were frustrated when speaking about the academy earlier?"

Slightly embarrass I nodded, "Urm yeah, I'm not exactly, well, how do I put it. I get frightened easily, I guess, especially when fighting."

He nodded inquisitively before continuing on.

"This will be the last question, then we will switch to something else, but, if you and your teammates were doing a mission, and one is in danger-- what will you do? Finish the mission or save your teammate?"

I scoffed, "Teammate-- of course! I don't think I could even finish a mission by myself, especially not at this point. As much as it pains me to say it, Naruto and Sasuke are both important to me!"

A calmness overcame him and he jumped up clapping his hands together, "Great! You passed the first part! Now, come at me."

Confusion overcame me, Kakashi knew that I wasn't a good fighter, why?

Are you dense? Sakura. He want's to see HOW terrible you are. Not to judge you, well he might be judging, but probably to asses what he should teach. GOOOOOO THROW SOME PUNCHES!

A small ding went off in my brain and I hopped up, I went forward throwing some simple punches, he didn't fight back but instead blocked.

After a few punches and kicks I got more comfortable with the flow, and started putting more effort. He was still pushing me off as if I were dirt.

It's okay, this is him seeing what I can do. I'm not trying to defeat him, or, wait-- yes that should be what I try and do.

I jump back into the trees, grabbing my supplies to make a quick simple trap.

A trigger went off and I knew he had come into a 10ft radius, I watch around for him silently.

The smallest of noise is heard behind me and I activate the seal, seemingly disappearing. He quickly finds me- as expected- unfortunately for him, he needs to figure out the seal I'm in, sorry, which he thinks I'm in.

Quickly I put myself in a stance and then surrounded him with dirt restrictors.

He easily broke free and made his way towards me, throwing a kick. I move to the side and he counters, hitting me onto the floor.

I don't get up, but instead create a mound of dirt around me, disappearing into the already existing dirt just as he broke through the mound I made.

I yelp as a hand comes out of nowhere dragging me up to the surface and throwing me into a tree.

I take a second to catch my breath, looking around me for Kakashi.

I don't see him and my heart begins thumping loudly.

Quickly I surrounded my body in a layer of chakra, waiting for him to attack.

I see a small object flying towards me and move as far away as possible, it still grazed my arm, but it only made a tiny scratch.

Instantly I hone my focus on the area it came from, searching for a chakra source, there was none- of course- meaning that the only logical place he could be...

I whip around already pushing my hands through the dirt allowing the wood to stem up, wrapping around him.

I swayed from side to side, still getting accustomed to draining lots of chakra in the span of a few seconds.

Unfortunately the Kakashi I caught poofs out of existence.

I turn around in a defensive stance, waiting even though there was close to no hope for me.

"Not terrible"

I shriek loudly as my teacher appears out of nowhere.

5 seconds pass and I come back to my senses, "Not terrible? If you were a real enemy I'd be dead!"

He contemplated my words for a second or two and smiled, "Sakura, I doubt you're gonna be fighting many s-ranked ninjas, if you were fighting another genin, I think you could win just using sly tactics."

I mentally disagree with him, but reluctantly nod, understanding where he's coming from. I doubt that the genin wouldn't beat me first though, before I could do anything.

"Hm well, one last thing, pretend I was injured on a mission, and need healing asap." That's when he pulls out a Kunai and makes a small scratch on the back of his arm, enough to bleed, but not that serious.

I gasp in shock running up to him, grabbing a cloth from my pocket and tying it an inch above the injury.

I hover my hand above the gash, focusing on matching my chakra flow to his, and begin working, the deepest parts first coming upwards.

In a few seconds the most of the bleeding had stopped, and after another few there was nothing but a small mark -scar tissue- left.

A pretty small wound, compared to on an actual battlefield, but a smile came to my face. This was my first time healing a human.

"Hm, I've got to say Sakura, you are quite the shocking kid."

I nodded, unsure what else to do.

(Edited 07/22/23)—1740 Words

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