Chapter 1

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This is unedited, and not horrible, but also not good. I wrote this when I was around 14, and i'm 18 now with better skills and new works out. I do not write like this anymore. I will be completely re-writing this soon :)
Living a normal life never seemed fun to me. Living a normal life filled with the same routines repeatedly, never seemed to fit my way of thinking at all. I had to do something different. I had to change. That's just a part of growing up in life when you really think about it... Changing in different ways every day and you don't even realize it. Living a life that will come to end someday along the road. But looking back at all the difficult things that I remember so well from this day... Change came a little too quickly... And the certain "The End" that we all dream about, did not come true...

"Come on we are going to be late for class!" Lizeth yells, bouncing her knee nervously and closing her hands into a fist to keep them from shaking.

I force myself not to roll my eyes as I glance down the long and lonely hallways of the middle school. Not a person in sight, and only an overly-worried Lizeth to keep me company.

"Hold on, wait for Emily!" I whisper sharply, making Lizeth sigh heavily.

We're sitting by the office doors on a bench by a few lockers. A few lockers meaning not that many. A few lockers that the school provided us, that we can't even use for rightful purposes... Stupid? Yeah, that could be a word to describe how I felt towards the metal things.

Sitting here for the tenth time this year isn't a big surprise for anyone. This wasn't the first-time Emily had gotten caught. Emily doesn't like to follow by the rules, which leads us right back in these same spots. Waiting. Again.

"Fine, but if I'm going to detention it's your fault," Lizeth states angrily, and I feel myself cave in.

The idea sickens me. Detention's boring. All you do is sit in a classroom doing absolutely nothing. A child's worst nightmare to one of the most overly-creative minds in the school. My own brain.

"Come on it's only a few more minutes before she gets out of the office," I protest and Lizeth purses her lips, muttering something incoherent that was probably wise of me not to hear.

A few minutes later Emily finally comes out of the office, the principal trailing behind her like a ghost on Halloween night. The principal always seemed to give out that creepy like aura that just makes you want to run. Ghostly pale skin that shouldn't even be allowed to see the sun sense it's threatened to get burned on the spot, gray eyes that don't seem to want to take any tolerance for anyone, and of course the black suits. Always the suits that are highly unnecessary and seem to be there just so people know you're of higher advantage.

"I hope you will remember, oh dear sweet Emily, that writing on school walls is called vandalism. And should be taken very seriously," the principal begins, as Emily obviously doesn't even think to listen.

Lizeth and I glance at each other as Emily sighs, completely oblivious to the monstrous stare the principal is giving her.

"Yeah, yeah whatever Sam. Come on let's go," Emily begs as she grabs my hand and pulls me up, Lizeth silently following.

"Don't call me by my first name! It's rude!"

Emily turns to face him. "So, what should I call you? Mr. P?"

The principal's face reddens. "The principal is what you should call me!"

Emily smiles evilly and turns around. "By Mr. P," she snaps, beginning to stomp away and tugging me with her.

Lizeth gives a small and pitiful smile to the principal, before turning away and beginning to follow us.

"You despicable little girl!" The principal mutters.

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