Start from the beginning

Curiously, he picked up the jewel and looked at it carefully. His eyes, then, landed on the eight numbers that it had engraved...


His mind went blank. He couldn't understand why that little gear had the four digits of his brand engraved next to a heart. It was true that it didn't have to mean anything, that it could just be a coincidence, but after the appearance of the second mark, anything seemed suspicious to him.

Especially when they appeared next to four other digits that were familiar to him, although he didn't know from what... 

Kong quickly put it inside his shirt pocket. Then, frowning, he continued walking away as.... suddenly all he wanted to do was to eat breakfast, buy what he needed for class, and then go to the library and start searching for clues.


Kongpob sighed and, leaving the book on the table, got up to look for a new one. He had been there for several hours already and, unfortunately, he still couldn't find anything that could explain why he had a second mark tattooed on his skin.

"If only the could find something, no matter how small..."

But no...there was nothing and, honestly, he was beginning to believe that he won't be able to do anything but go to one of the Temples and ask for the advice of a priestesses. He hadn't wanted to do it before, much less when it meant telling his parents what was going on... they didn't like Mook and would no doubt use it to insist that she wasn't for him.

- "As if you could choose your bonded..." - whispered, ironically, Kong. 

Then, barely making a sound, he turned down a corridor just to face a man who, to his astonishment, had his back against the wall. His hands, on the other hand, were around the neck of another man that was taller than him and who, without a doubt, was very busy leaving several marks on his neck to see that they were not alone.



What the...?

- "Ahh..Sa...Sarawat"

Kongpob blushed and, turning around, started to walk away when a few words, spoken between several moans, made him stop in the middle of the reading room...

- "Tine... you're mine, I love you... my 0265..."




He had said 0265....

Kong forgot what he had just seen and, with his heart pounding like crazy in his chest, he went back to his seat. Then, with trembling hands, he took out his cell phone and, going online, searched for the university's website.

There, before his eyes, various branches appeared. One of them, with a gear as a logo, made him pale heavily. Especially after seeing how one of the boxes, filled with pictures of gears like the one in his possession, was marked under... SOTUS.

"It can't be..."

Meanwhile, Arthit and Nam entered a house on the outskirts of the city, barely distinguishable from the others that made up that suburb.

- "Wait a moment, my Lady will attend you right away..." - a girl told them with a friendly smile as she pointed out two empty seats and then disappeared behind one of the white doors they could see.

-"Oon... I'm scared..." 

Arthit sighed, pulling his chair closer to Nam's, then he handed her his own cell phone..

"I know, but everything will end well..."

Namtarn smiled at him then, to Arthit's surprise, dropped her head on his shoulder.

- "You don't know how much I appreciate you coming with me... I..."

However, before Nam  could say anything else, the girl returned and, with a gesture, made Nam stand up. A few seconds later, after giving him a terrified look, she followed the girl leaving him completely alone.

Just a few minutes had passed when one of the doors opened, admitting an elderly woman who, with a cheerful expression, sat down next to Arthit.

- "You seem worried..."

Arthit, who had followed her with his gaze ever since he saw her enter, blushed. Then, with trembling hands, took his cell phone and accessed his writing program once again.. 

"A little, I am worried for my friend.."  

Then he looked again, for a few seconds, at the door through which his friend had disappeared.

- "Namtarn will be fine... she will recover and find someone better. You don't have to worry about that" - answered the woman, making Arthit, with a surprised expression, turn towards her - " now let's talk about you and your broken bond.."

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