The Violinist: Part 5

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"Yes! The Violinist captured her and to prevent herself from handing over her miraculous and instructed me to find you to stay safe. We have to hurry and de-akumatize (y/n) before her identity is revealed!" Flaake informs the two and Chat Noir clenches his fists. "We have to help her!" "The only way to do that is to de-akumatize (y/n) before it's too late. The akuma must be in her violin and if we get too close she can use it to control us..."

Ladybug trails off and Chat Noir asks "So then how are we supposed to get the akuma?" "With some bait," The two heroes head straight to City Hall after letting Flaake hide out in Ladybug's yoyo, where they find Mr. Smith arguing with the mayor. "What do you mean I can't go through with the deal?!" "I'm sorry Mr. Smith but with The Violinisy out on the loose, I feel as if she'll come and attack me if I go through with this," Before the two could argue some more Ladybug steps in.

"Calm down you two this is no time to argue. I need your help to capture The Violinist and if you'll listen I think I may have a solution for the old music hall," With that, she tells the group her plan and they wait for The Violinist. Mr. Smith walked around the City Hall looking around nervously, there was still no sign of The Violinist.

"Freeze!" He suddenly hears along with a loud sound wave as he freezes in place. "Finally found you again," She says, floating down to the trembling man. Ladybug's yoyo flies out again, wrapping around The Violinist, Chat making another joke. "You should really tune in to your surroundings," He snickers while the two girls roll their eyes at him.

The Violinist starts to fly, dragging Ladybug with her, forcing her to let her go and she used the violin to send sound waves to blast the two heroes away from her. "How are we supposed to get anywhere near her if she keeps sounding that thing off?" Chat Noir asks and Ladybug summons her lucky charm and a rubber band falls into her hand. "What am I supposed to do with this?" Ladybug starts to look around, soon spotting a stick shaped like a Y, an idea coming to mind.

"Chat get ready and be ready to grab the violin," Chat Noir nods and summons his cataclysm. Grabbing the stick Ladybug creates a slingshot with her yoyo and places the rubber band in the middle, shooting it just as another sound wave was sent. The rubber band flies and entangles itself in the violin's string and the bow string while The Violinist was about to play another note. She tugs on it to try to break it free it wouldn't work and before she knew it, Chat Noir was on top of her and grabbed the violin, turning it to dust. "Nooooo!"

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