Ladybug & Chat Noir Origins (2): Part 4

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I hear Ladybug shout before the officer told her "I have a new plan unlike you, now move aside and let the pros do their thing, you've already failed once," I give this guy a look, she's new of course there were gonna be mistakes made but she's actually stopped Stoneheart before unlike him.

She turns to Chat Noir and the two converse, based on her expression and body language he had hit her pride, jerk. Suddenly everyone's attention turned to Stoneheart as he began coughing before he spewed out a whole lot of butterflies that started to form a man's face. "People of Paris, listen carefully, I am Hawkmoth."

"Hawkmoth?" I question under my breath as the guy continued his speech. "Ladybug, Chat Noir, and any other heroes that decide to come forth give me the Ladybug earrings and the Cat Ring now and any other miraculouses you have to me now. You've done enough damage to these innocent people," Everybody had been stunned into silence when Ladybug started clapping as her voice rang out:

"Nice try Hawkmoth but we know who the bad guy is, let's not reverse the rolls here. Without you, none of these innocent victims would've been transformed into villains. Hawkmoth no matter how long it takes we will find you and you will hand us your miraculous!" She starts running toward the tower and uses her yoyo to catch the purple butterflies.

"Time to de-evilize!" Once they were all caught she turned toward the people. "Let me make this promise to you: No matter who wants to harm you Ladybug and Chat Noir will do anything in our power to keep you safe!" She then holds up her yoyo and millions of white butterflies burst out and everyone starts to cheer. Soon Chat Noir jumps up to the tower to help and Stoneheart continues to climb up the tower while the other stone beings climb up as well. Fudge! They're surrounded and they can't attack the stone beings, what are they gonna do?

The heroes start chasing Stoneheart to the top of the Eiffel Tower till they get to the top above him. Stoneheart lets out a roar causing the helicopters to fly back. What was going on up there?! I couldn't see in detail but it looked like Ladybug had used her powers as something fell from the sky as she caught it, what was that?

Something happens and Mylène is dropped but she grabs Stoneheart's hand and holds onto it as Chat drops and uses his stick to hit something toward Ladybug. She starts up the de-evilizing process when Ivan turns back to normal and the two start to fall.

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