Copycat: Part 1

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"What makes you think I have a crush on him?" I ask Flaake as I continue to finish writing the song I had been working on for the past few weeks. "The fact that you're denying not just your feelings for him but the idea of him having feelings for you," Flaake responds and I give her a look, soon raising my eyebrow. "It's loud and clear in the song you're writing that you don't want to admit your feelings or acknowledge that he has feelings."

"I can't have feelings for him, there's already so much I have to do, there's no time for a relationship and it's not fair to be putting him in danger just because I'm a superhero." "And how is it fair to deny what you want and what he wants which he's made clear is you!"

She points out, bopping me on the forehead. "It's so clear you want this but don't think you can have it." "Not true," I scoff as I turn my attention back to my song and Flaake sings out "Someone's in denial~" Before I could respond to Flaake, Marinette climbs down from the roof stating "I need your help." "With?" I ask as Flaake quickly hides and I close my notebook.

Within a few minutes, I'm sitting down with Alya writing a script for Marinette to ask Adrien to the movie over the phone. "Look we all know improv is not in your bag so just stick to this script," Alya says, handing over the notepad. "But all the teachers say I don't sound natural when I read." "Then memorize it," I tell her with a shrug if she was going to get a coherent sentence in this was the only way to do it.

"Exactly it's pretty simple just don't improvise, got it?" Alya says, inputting Adrien's number in her phone. Mari looks between the notepad and the phone before letting out a huge sigh. "Forget it! This is never gonna work!" "Too late, it's dialing~" Alya clicks the call button, and the phone rings as Alya and I hide behind my bed. Marinette nervously looks at the phone when it goes to voicemail. "Hey, this is Adrien's voicemail leave a message." "It's gone to voicemail," She tells us and I tell her "Leave a message then!" "And don't improv!" Alya adds in but that's exactly what she does.

"Hello uh...Adrien's voicemail...? Uh...This is Marinette who uh has a message for you, of course, cuz it's uh your phone so um...Callmeseeyoulaterbye!" She nervously laughs out before chucking her phone at us and we give her a look as she sits in her chair and rolls toward us.

"What? What did you expect me to say? Hey, hot stuff this is Marinette I'd ask you on a date to a movie but I've got such a crazy crush on you that the only way I can talk to you without foaming at the mouth is over this stupid phone. Pretty ridiculous right?" Before either of us could say something the phone speaks up. "If you wish to hear your message again press one. If you wish to erase your message press two." We both instantly shout at her to hit two and she jumps for the phone, hitting a button before sighing.

"Message saved, goodbye," Mari goes into complete freak-out mode as she falls face first into my bed. "It's not as bad as you think," Alya reassures her and I raise an eyebrow with a blank look stating "It's bad but you were gonna have to tell him one of these days some way or another."

"Think of it this way: No more secrets," Alya adds onto the that, and Marinette's muffled voice rings out. "The voicemail recorded my whole conversation." "Big deal." "I called him hot stuff," She sits up and tells us "He cannot be allowed to hear that message you two if he does I'll die of shame!" "Ok, ok. I got an idea. If Adrien's phone went to voicemail it means the dude's busy which also means you can get to it before he does."

Alya points out and I cross my arms asking "Then where would he be?" We hear rustling behind us and turn to see Marinette pull out Adrien's entire schedule for the month and she points at today's schedule. "Of course! He's got fencing club after school. That's why he didn't pick up, it ends in exactly twenty-two and a half minutes."

"You are seriously insane you know that right?" Alya says after we blink at the schedule a couple of times and she gives a shy smile with a laugh and I say "No, seriously you're insane, how and why do you have Adrien's entire schedule for the month?!" I ask but it seemed I was really the only one who understood the problem.

"I looked it up?" She answers and Alya tells me "It's not a big deal." "Yeah it is, that's called stalking if he didn't tell you his schedule himself and I know for a fact he didn't," I say giving them both a slight glare before Marinette runs off stating "We gotta go!"

We chase after her outside but quickly stop when Chat Noir flies past us to the park for the statue unveiling! My eyes widen, I almost forgot! "They're unveiling Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir sculptures today! I totally spaced!" Alta exclaimed as Mari mutters "Me too," While Alya asked her about that I sneak off to transform, sorry girls but I can't be rude to Théo. 

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