Rogercop: Part 2

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"Do you know who I am?!" "Please gentlemen, this is a school here, think of the children! Surely the bracelet is around here someplace," Ms. Bustier exclaims gesturing toward all of us. "It probably just rolled out of her bag or something," Marinette suggests and I nod stating "When Chloé picked up the container it was already open." "If I were her bracelet I'd try and get as far away as possible from that crazy brat too," Alya jokes to lighten the mood when I spot Nino still recording. "Hey! Nino's been filming everything this whole time, we can see what really happened!"

We play the video back and pause when the camera pans to Chloé and Sabrina, showing Sabrina holding the bracelet. "Well there you have it, Sabrina was holding Chloé's bracelet," Marinette points out and all eyes turn to Sabrina.

"Yes, but I have it back straight after!" "Chloé why don't you take a look in your BFF's bag," Mari accuses with a smirk. "Are you saying I'm a theif?!" "Nope! Chloé is the one calling people thieves without any proof, I'm simply going from what's on the video," Sabrina growls when I nudge Mari stating "It wasn't Sabrina, you and I both saw Chloé take the bracelet back and put it away in her bag, making it impossible for her to steal it." "Ha!" Sabrina shouts, bumping into Nathaniel, causing him to drop some papers where we could see a sketch of the bracelet.

"Yes, I did sketch the bracelet but I didn't do anything else!" He says as quickly as he picked up his sketch. "Yeah right!" Chloé shouts and I point out why it wasn't him. "He was in the back of the classroom on the opposite end meaning he was nowhere near the bracelet when it went missing," Nathaniel gives me a smile for sticking up for him, and I smile back. This means we can count out everyone in the back but I won't say it out loud so I don't accidentally accuse anyone.

"Give me the tape! I'll have it analyzed by professionals!" The mayor demands Nino. "No way, it's my camera!" "Who do you think you're dealing with?! I'm the mayor of this city! Where's the school principal I want to see the principal!" He starts shouting when he realizes things weren't going his way.

This was only diving into more madness with nothing being fixed proven by Mari's explanation. "See Chloé, I tripped on the bag, (y/n) helped me up, Sabrina held the bracelet, Nathaniel sketched it, we are all suspects!" "Hey what's that supposed to mean? I didn't swipe her bracelet!" Nathaniel defends himself causing Marinette to. "And neither did I but when it comes down to it Chloé could accuse anyone and everyone," I bite the bottom of my lip as I watch this madness happen. "I'm sure that's not what she meant-" I start to say when Chloé cuts me off.

"Fine, since you're a suspect you'll have no problem letting me search your bag!" "Ok! As long as you also search everyone else's too!" (That's honestly fair but was went about the wrong way) The others protest and I feel uncertain as they all start to get angry and I had no idea how to fix this.

That's when I feel a warm hand grasp mine and I look up to see it was Luka holding my hand as he mouthed 'Take a breath, we'll get to the bottom of this,' I take a breath while Tom scolds Mari. "Marinette, let the adults handle this." "Papa! She called me a thief! I'm just defending myself."

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