Lady Wifi: Part 1

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"I'm very pleased with how you all did on your last assignment. Some of you have really stepped up and I do appreciate it. Now it's time to move on to our next assignment," Ms. Bustier says, about to go into detail about the next assignment when she cuts herself off to give Alya a confused stare.

Alya had cut out Ladybug's face from a picture of her and was going over every girl's face in the class to see who would fit. "Is Marinette still in the girl's room?" Ms. Bustier asked, after noticing Marinette's empty seat. Seriously, what was that girl doing?" "I dunno Ms," The bell rings.

"Tonight I want you all to read chapter three of the breathtaking, France, the First Thousand Years. Then answer this simple questionnaire," The homework is passed out when Ms. Bustier holds out an extra one as she addresses me and Alya.

"See to it that Marinette gets her homework," We nod before I turn to Alya and tell her "Your turn," Marinette ended up being late or skipping class so often that Alya and I started taking turns delivering her, her homework.

I walk out of school preparing to call Luka about meeting up for a study session for an assignment I was struggling with the one class I struggled with. Just as I pulled my phone out, it pings, it was the akuma alert. Once it was made obvious that akuma attacks would keep coming, an app was made to notify the user of an attack which is really useful in my case. I quickly hide and transform and go help Ladybug and Chat Noir.

After the fight we were quickly surrounded by cheering crowds and the news, Ladybug getting bashful at all the attention with a wave while holding her yoyo. I walk up to her, ready to tell her a little about my dilemma when my glove flashes. This five-minute rule is really inconvenient. I whisper in her ear. "When we get a chance there's something important I need to talk to you about," I then make my exit and head back home.

I enter Mari's room through the sunroof after de-transforming, soon pulling out my homework and getting to it when Mari enters and sits next to me, pulling out her homework. "Marinette?" "Hm?" "Where were you today? You skipped half a day of school and you weren't in the bathroom." "Uh...While on my way to the bathroom I noticed someone who needed help uh...Carrying groceries!" "That took half of the day?" I ask, leaning my face into my hand while staring at Marinette.

"Yeah! Because...They lived really far away and they preferred to uh...Walk! Yeah, that's right! They preferred to walk all their groceries home and I just had to help!" She gives me an awkward smile and roll my eyes, ok sure Marinette, sure. "Better get on that homework then, you've got a lot to make up."

I tell her, pulling my attention back to my homework. "What's this?" Mari suddenly asks, pulling a sticky note off her tablet, reading it out loud. "Call me I know who the real Ladybug and (s/n) is?!" My eyes widen in shock and I drop my pen. H-How?! There's no way... "W-what?" I asked with a nervous chuckle, looking at Marinette and the sticky note in her hand.

"Do you think she actually knows?" "I doubt it, you know Alya always jumps to conclusions before getting her facts straight," Mari tries to reassure me and I pull out my phone saying "But just in case," I try to call her but the line drops. "Dang...No signal," We head up to the roof, still no signal, so we go to the cell tower where a guy sees us and tells us:

"Sorry ladies, cell tower maintenance. The whole neighborhood's down. No signal for the next hour," Mari lets out a disappointed sigh and so do I as the thought of homework re-enters my mind. "Come on, let's head down and finish our homework."

I woke up the next morning with a yawn, it looked like we had fallen asleep at the desk. I grab my phone which I had luckily remembered to put on the charger. Ok looks like school starts in...It was 9:45. "AN HOUR AGO?!" We were late, Marinette woke up to my screaming. "What's wrong?" She asks groggily, letting out a yawn. "We're late for school again!" I tell her as I grab my things, sending a quick apology to Luka who had sent a few worried texts and we quickly rushed to school.

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