Luka chapter seven

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I look up at Juleka's school as we walked up the steps, it was career day and mom couldn't make it so I offered to come. We walked into her classroom where she sits next to (y/n) in the third row. I stand next to Juleka and say hi to (y/n). We exchange some small talk until the class started, after a few other people it was (y/n)'s turn as she went up with Marinette and Mr. Dupan-Cheng.

"My day begins at four am every morning because the bakery opens at seven. You'd think that the life of a baker is basically a routine of making the same pastries, rolls, cakes but actually it's different every day," He started to explain, going into detail about how someone could order a specific baked good when he says "Marinette and (y/n) will come around and pass out some croissants baked fresh this morning," The two start passing around the croissants to everyone when (y/n) reaches us, I had taken a seat in her seat to get my feet for a few minutes and I smile at her.

She smiles at me back making me happy, with all the akuma attacks recently I haven't been able to see much of her for the past few weeks. "Thank you (y/n)," I say and I see a light blush appear on her face, making my cheeks tinted as well. It seems like her head was somewhere else since she shakes her head before continuing to give out croissants as Sabrina and her dad go to the front of the class.

"Geez is there not a day where you're not tripping over something?!" Chloé suddenly shouts after Marinette slips, (y/n) quickly helping her friend up when Chloé starts shouting again. "My bracelet! It's gone! I had it a second ago!" She then points a finger at Marinette shouting "You! You stole it!" "What? What are you talking about?!" "You purposely tripped on my bag so you could steal my bracelet!" She then turns to Sabrina's dad and demands Marinette be arrested! "You! You're a policeman, arrest her!" "My daughter is not a thief!" Mr. Dupan-Cheng says earning Chloé's accusing finger in (y/n)'s face, quickly angering me.

"Then it must've been (y/n)!" I shout at her, slamming my hands on the desk causing the cop to blow his whistle. "Hold on a minute Miss. Bourgeois, we don't accuse without proof. Now everyone calm down, please. Maybe you simply misplaced your bracelet?" Roger suggests, earning the auditory gasp of disbelief from Chloé as she asks "You're calling me a liar? Daddy!"

"Roger, I demand you search these girls!" We look at the mayor with utter disbelief at the abuse of power and when Roger doesn't immediately do what he was told the mayor states "Need I remind you that as mayor of this city I am your superior?!" "But sir it's against the law. I can't just go-" "Alright then you're no longer a police officer," The class continues to stare in shock at the statement, it had clearly rattled Roger.

"Mayor, you can't be serious. Over a missing bracelet?" "This is my daughter's bracelet we're talking about. You're incompetent! And you're fired, get out!" Roger dijectly leaves Chloé soon stating "Good, let's call Ladybug, I'm sure she'll actually do something," I notice (y/n) pinch the bridge of her nose in annoyance, and I mouth 'I know right?' The argument gets more heated as we try to find the culprit who stole the bracelet when a police-colored robot barges in demanding to see the mayor.

After telling him we knew nothing of where the mayor was this guy shoots colored bracelets at us before blowing his whistle stating "Search the school until you find that bracelet," Suddenly I was on my hands and knees, my hands patting everywhere for the annoying bracelet.

We were all stuck like this for the rest of the day re-searching the entire school, it was evening, that's how long we all were searching for that stupid bracelet when our red and blue handcuffs disappeared and we had control over our hands again. Everyone starts to celebrate while I hug my sister before we exit the school to see (y/n) standing outside of it. "Why is it that whenever there's an akuma attack you're nowhere to be found until after it's over?"

I ask as I walk down the stairs and she shrugs as we walk to the bakery before I head home. We walk in silence until we reach the bakery. I give (y/n) a wave goodbye when she calls out to me. "Luka! I was wondering...The akuma attack that happened a few weeks ago...H-How could you sacrifice your life for me?"

I turn around and walk back to her stating "Because I wanted to." Tears start to prick her eyes as she slams her fists against my chest shouting "No! You can't do that! Do you know how painful it was to watch you disappear like that?! So why?!" I gently hold her hands with a smile as I lean in and whisper "Because you don't know how much I care for you," I then lean in close enough to kiss her on the forehead before I head off. "Goodnight (y/n). She stays like that for a moment before covering her face with her hands, leaning back as if she were screaming in them and I lightly chuckle, so adorable.

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